Only Time Will Tell

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Ever since, Amelia was announced to be an alpha, all her friends were drifting away from her and her only source of comfort was Sydney, her father, Dylan who was in and out but not as much and Jake. Who claimed that his pack was being handled by Jackson, his Beta. When Amelia laughed and said that he could hardly speak in front of three people how will he order the people of the pack. Jake chuckled and replied that he was the best, only he was intimidated by Amelia.

Today Amelia was going to challenge the alpha. It was the classification of Sam. Josh and Jace had already been classified. Josh was a hunter and Jace was sentinel. Both betas, which was not a surprise. Amelia had been there but they refused to acknowledge her. Dylan too kept his distance. Right now Amelia was sitting on the riverbank with Jake who refused to come to her house because he was worried that Robert would throw him out. Which was true because last time they were at her home, when they accepted each other as mates. Robert actually told Jake to call before coming, which he did. But was refused so he called Amelia here. She was lying with her head on his lap discussing how they would go about the whole challenging the alpha thing. 

-"We could split time, six months each at both pack houses." Suggested Jake.

-"No. I'd rather not let you be there because I love my friends. And all my friends are boys. So no." She said, closing her eyes and giving in to Jake running his hands through her hair.

-"Then what?"

-"We will figure out where to stay, after we have established that I am going to be living. Yeah?"

-"Okay. Let's talk about something upbeat. Like Kids. What do you think about kids. Our little pups. That's cheerful right?"

-"No. I don't want pups. All they do is poop and cry. I would cry with them rather than calm them down." Replied Amelia feeling the irritation and anger in Jake's scent.

-"Ames, you're making this all very hard. You don't want to discuss anything. What do you want to do? No talking about future, no kids, no nothing." Said frustrated Jake.

-"Jake. Baby listen, I would discuss things but the thing is today I am doing something for which I could get slaughtered. And you want me to give false hope. No. I can't do that. Not to you." Whining Amelia.

-"This is not false hope. This is faith. That I have in you. That your pack will have from you. And I want you to know that, after our conversation last night I think I know what to do."



-"Yes Jake, what is it?"

-"No, you ADHD dimwit. Mate with me. Because that way we could share our strengths. Not only that, your strength would increase. You would win. Think about it."

-"Are you crazy, no. Never. Not that I don't want to but I can't do that to you. I keep saying that, do you not understand. I will try to win, I will but this is too much to ask."

-"You are not asking if I am willing, love."


-"No listen to me. You said that I was the one. You are wrong you are the one. You're right. You are suppose to save your pack. Not me, not Robert but you. And as your mate it is my responsibility to make sure I support you in everything. Just assume that it was me in this situation. Yo would've helped right. No matter how hard, so this too is an all hands on deck situation. Are you agreeing anytime soon, or do I have to ramble on. Honestly I am losing things to say so.."

-"Yes." Is all Amelia said in barely above a whisper.


-"There ain't me, if there ain't you. So , yes."

-" Brilliant, come here." Jake said and then pulled Amelia in for a deep kiss, Jake's hands slid down to hold Amelia's waist and pulled her into his lap, kissing around the scent gland and tossing at it.

-" Okay, calm down tiger." Said Amelia pulling away, chuckling.

-" I think it's time to go. I have a pack to run as you say and you have an alpha to challenge. Never thought I would say that." Said Jake, shaking his head trying to get rid of the spiked arousal and heading away.


As Amelia was walking down her the path to the clearing, a thousand thoughts were running through head and her heart was beating at a million beats a minute. When she reached the clearing. Sam was in his wolf form, much like she was. Sam's wolf was a small wolf with auburn fur and a round snout. He turned his head down and opened his eyes. Amelia as well as the others were surprised yet again. All thought that Sam would be an omega but here he was with glowing yellow like the sun. A Delta. That was surprising. Apparently the whole group was filled with surprises huh. Almost like every wolf had been chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. Every position had been taken care of.

Amelia walked up to the Dias and turned to the elders and said politely. Or as politely as she could.

-"My respected elders, I apologise for this in advance." Then she turned to the alpha who was looking at her with interest.

-"I would like to challenge you for your position of alpha of this pack." Muttered Amelia. Hell she didn't even hear herself. Luke just chuckled as walked away. Which only instigated Amelia. As she saw his retreating figure and snapped. Her words were followed by rounds of gasps, angered curses and deadly threats to kill her. But she still continued. For the pack. For her mate, who would go even more cuckoo than he is now, If she lost.



Well accept my apologise and here are two updates together. hope you like the book. Please continue to like, share and comment guys.

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