Family Don't End in Blood

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           No sooner did those words leave Amelia's mouth than Robert went and pulled her back. He placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down but the damage had been done. All the pack members remaining were not only flabbergasted but also furious. They were all snarling and all the wolves were in control.  They were seeing this as an act of disobedience. Challenging the present alpha of any pack is the most untrustworthy deed any pack member could do. And along with that Amelia was the First female alpha and they are consider a little overprotective and impulsive. Which means if things get out of hand they can be a threat to themselves and their pack. Right now Amelia has a good reason to challenge the alpha. Do the pack members know that? No. Should she have kept things quiet and handled them subtly? Maybe. So, this is it. One sentence and she pissed of the whole pack. While all the members were busy being angry the alpha himself was laughing.

-" Really? C'mon baby girl, you know better than that, don't you?" He sniggered.

-" I do know better than that, and that's exactly why I am challenging you."

-" Well, well, well. Apparently, the dog can bark and bite. Huh?" Ignoring the alpha, Amelia turned to The Elders and requested.

-"I urge you, the respected elders members of the pack. According to the laws, any alpha can challenge another alpha for their pack. It is my right as an alpha. You know it. Please grant me permission."

-" Tomorrow, with an audience of the Elder members of the pack. You will be present there and your fate will be decided by an unanimous voting. You will not be required to present a case but you will have to prove that you are strong enough to battle an alpha and run a pack on your own accord. You will be battling two of the finest Sentinels in the battlefield." Announced Mr. Carver. One of the retired Sentinels of the pack. He led the wolves in the Great War. 

-"What? You must be shitting me. This pathetic excuse of an alpha, she will challenge me? Me?" Asked a very furious and angry Joseph, Luke's wolf. Amelia was ever intimidated by only Joseph. He was very scary, his voice was dangerously low but loud.

-"Yes. Amelia said herself. An alpha has the right to challenge another alpha." Is all Miss Glass said.

-"Whatever.." And Luke left. The other members were still standing there frozen and too shocked. So, they left one by one. Finally they all left except the twins, Dylan, Sam and Robert.

-"We knew you were reckless but this tops all of it. Are you fucking out of your mind? You really think that you can fight and win against the best Sentinels and then the alpha?" Yelled Elijah, Sam's wolf.

-"What the hell is wrong with you really? I was finally willing to accept you and was ready to withstand your impulsive behaviour. But this just crazy." Added Jasper, Dylan's wolf.

-"Its not just crazy, its a suicide mission." Completed Aiden, Josh's wolf.

-" Surely Nymeria knows better than this naive human. Right Nymeria?" Asked Ian, Jace's wolf.

-"Actually, it was joint decision." Replied Nymeria this time.

           Listening to this, all turned to look at the Beta, who was quite this all time. All were under the impression that he was too shocked to say anything. But this time when Robert spoke on his and Martin's behalf, all the young wolves let out a sound which was a word mixture of a whine, growl, whimper and a groan all in one.

-"Lets go home and have some dinner shall we?" Suggested Amelia and started walking. Just trying to difuse the tension. All sighed and followed.  By the time they all got back to the house, Robert was too tired to cook, The young ones were bored, and Amelia well she can't cook. So they ordered pizza. 

-"So now let's talk." Said Dylan. All the humans were in control again as their wolves needed 'time' to figure somethings out. 

-" Can you please tell me why would you do such a thing while Jake is an alpha already and his pack is your pack." Said Jace

-"DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS ABOUT BEING THE ALPHA OF A GODDAMN PACK?"Bellowed Amelia. Thinking how less her friends think of her.

-"No. We don't think any less of you. Amelia. We just want to understand why you are doing this. Obviously you are doing it for a reason, a good reason. But that doesn't mean it is okay to take such drastic steps. You can tell us and we can figure out a better way, is all." Josh answered Amelia's thoughts.

-" I can't. You lot are my friends but the moment my status is revealed you ignore me for almost months and then suddenly you want to help me? You think it is easy for me? Being this thing everyone fears and losing all my friends in one night. Trying to do the better thing. Trying to be the good guy. You are here now but how can I be certain that tomorrow when I need you, you will be there. What guarantee do I have that you will support me? None. I can't trust you and therefore I can't tell you anything. But if you want my trust, you are gonna have to trust me." Said Amelia feeling her temper rise.

-" Fine." Said all in unison. Uncertain but they decided not to question her or she might Hulk out.

-"I guess that means you are back to being BFFs so that means its my cue to leave. I would say don't do anything I wouldn't but all you together I know better. So, good night." Said Robert exiting the living room.

-"Amelia look we are sorry. Really sorry...." Started Sam, but was interrupted by Amelia.

-"Look, I really don't care right now. If you want to be here, I won't stop you but, If you are waiting then I want to be able to know I can trust you. I am willing to let go of the whole thing if you are." 

       All nodded and Amelia agreed. So, that is how they ended up watching 'How I Met Your Mother' rerun.

-"it's nothing but a knockoff of Friends." Whined Sam after watching first half if the first season.

-"I know right." Agreed Amelia.

-"Shut up. Now is the interesting part." Said the twins together.

-"You said that two episodes ago. We've seen this enough times." Pitched in Dylan.

            30 mins later, Everyone was asleep. Dylan sitting on the couch, Josh's head on his lap. Jace on the floor with Sam's head on his shoulder and Jace holding him subconsciously. Amelia was one the armchair. She was woken up because she was thirsty. She tiptoed in the kitchen, and while she was drinking water, her phone rang. It was Jake. She picked it up and told him all that happened. He was happy to know that she had all her friends back but was uncertain about them sleeping in her house. He asked her how she forgave them easily after the way they treated her for months. Why she let them off so easily. And what Amelia said made Jake realise that his mate was not only going to be an excellent leader but also the most loved and respected alpha.

-"They are my family. My home. My pack."

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