The Day of Birth

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On the morning of Amelia's birthday when the sun was shining high in the sky, Amelia was soundly asleep when the door of her room swung open and there were four heavy bodies dropping themselves on Amelia. Which made her unable to breathe or move and they all yelled in chorus" HAPPY BIRTHDAY SASQUATCH!!!!!"

Amelia groaned and tried saying thank you which only came out as another groan. And then the door opened again. This time it was Amelia's father with a baseball bat in hand. His robe hanging loosely on his body and his hair disheveled. Still sleepy and eyes still droopy. And on seeing the idiot friends of his idiot daughter, he let down his 'weapon' and said;

-"Well, Once you find my daughter in this mess of bodies, please tell her I wished her a happy birthday." And then he turned and left muttering to himself how he is lucky he has only one daughter and how these idiots are well idiots.

-"G.E.T U.P." They heard and realised that they were lying on Amelia and if they don't get up, her birthday might become her death day. So they all scrambled off of her. Finally on breathing again Amelia let out a string of profanities that neither of her friends knew she knows. Finally her friends left so she could get dressed.

Ten minutes later after getting dressed Amelia was in the kitchen, eating blueberry waffles and orange juice. Amelia was never the one to celebrate her birthday exclusively. Robert was back in the study doing god knows what.

-"So, Robert told us that you met your mate. You were getting dressed and we were bored so we poked and prodded him." Stated Jace looking at Amelia's confused look.

-"We need to know everything." Added Josh in a shrill girly voice.

-"Sure then, we can all braid each others hair and have a pillow fight naked while complaining about our boy problems." Replied Amelia sarcasm dripping in every word.

This had Dylan and Sam laughing, while The twins pouted. Finally Robert returned to the kitchen holding two packets in hand. Hugging Amelia as she got down from the stool to hug him.

-"Hey. Happy birthday kiddo. God how time passes by!!!" Robert sniffed.

-"Dad are you crying? Awww my soft little cuddly bear. By the way, What the hell were you doing with a baseball bat? These guys told me that you had baseball bat in the morning."

-"Yeah. I forget that your friends are only a few steps away from being criminals. So I needed a weapon." Explained the Beta.

-"And your weapon of choice was a baseball bat?"Asked an amused Dylan from one of the stools.

-"You don't even play baseball." Exclaimed The twins together. Robert only looked at them with a look that said, 'You wanna repeat that again?' which cause the two to pipe down. And Sam just sniggered along with Amelia.

Then when all the crackling and sniggering died down and all were laying in the living room, just chilling. Robert cleared his throat and turned to Amelia.

-"Well I have a gift for you, baby."

And then took out the two packets. The first looked like a dress which was not at all wrapped neatly so the fabric was sticking out and the second was a small packet, like a ring box. Robert then handed the packets to Amelia who took them gingerly and opened the dress first. It was a white dress. Not like a wedding gown but similar.

It was a formal pure white dress. Full sleeves and had a V necked throat and the length of the dress was somehow perfect it reached Amelia' ankles and had small delicate little flowers or what seemed to be flowers but actually were little wolves prancing and tangled in themselves. And there were little moons too, on the top of their heads like it was blessing them with grace. It was the most beautiful dress Amelia had ever seen. And that was coming from her. The dress was not frilly it was just perfect.

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