Do You Like Me?

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Sagittarius POV

Cute. Can a person blush this much?
"Ge-mi-ni." I teased and she just covers her face.

I've always been told I had a voice that girls would die for.

That's why I avoid talking, seriously. Those girls over-exaggerate.

My sleepiness had gone away, entertained by a flustered girl.

"Do you like me or something?" I finally say, half jokingly.

Gemini's ears got more red, but peeks at me through her fingers.

"W-what?" She seemed confused.
She looks down.

"D-Do I really..." She mutters under her breath, so it was a little bit harder to hear.

"But I..." Her voice got lower and lower.

Then she lifts her head, looking straight at me.

My smile had disappeared by then, because this was not the reaction I was hoping for.
Still, I tried to force a smile, as if I was joking.

"Right. You like Capricorn. I'm jealous you know? You giving Cap chocolates like that." I pinch her cheeks but she just stares at me confusedly.


"I'm really jealous."

Libra's POV

I was on my bed, scrolling through mangas I could read on my phone, when suddenly...


A message pops up.

From NosyOtaku, aka Aquarius.

'You bij. You told big bro! 😭'

I slightly chuckle at her text.

'I'm busy rn.'

'He scolded me, ya know?😤'

'Good for you.'

Aquarius leaves my message on seen so I shrug it off and decided to scroll on some more for mangas.

Meh, she deserved it.
She keeps on bullying me anyways. I'm not letting her in this room next time, she didn't return the mangas she borrowed.


Again, another messaged popped.

Man, that girl really---

I frowned when the message wasn't from Aquarius, but from Pisces.

'You're gonna be single
for all eternity. Be damned.'

I frowned further more from the text.
What, are they cursing me now?
It's their fault they skipped classes.

And to make it as obvious.
They literally skipped class together, all of them.

I was just a worried fellow.

Hm... I'm just gonna ignore their messages.

I was going back to searching mangas when finally I found one.

Gonna start reading.


Wha--- Another...


Ting! Ting! Ting!

'I shall return'-Taurus

'No I mean, I will take
my revenge.'- Taurus

'Waaah, ignoring me now?
After you just told Cap and
Virgo? Fight meh you coward.'

'Hey, you got Gem's number?'

Not him too...
I sighed before sending him Gemini's number.
What was he going to do with it anyways?


'Hey, the girls are telling me
you snitched em'. How could you?'

'You gave Sagi my number...?'

'He was asking for it.'
I replied back.


'Aqua was bothering you right?
Taken cared of.'

What scared me most was Capricorn's message.

'Ahaha... You didn't have to...'

I replied back.

Incoming video call request.

It was from Aquarius so I accepted the call.

"I'm sowwy."

I was met by a sulking Aquarius.

"Haha, did Cap tell you to do that?" I chuckle and she pouts.

"Yes you son of a----"

"Aqua." I forced in my laughter when I heard Cap was with her.

"Yeah, I said I'm sorry. I'll apologize on Monday too."

My smile dropped.

"Ahaha... We don't have to meet on Monday...." I sweat.

"No, no. I insist. Lunch is on me!"

How cheerful she was scared me.

I knew what she meant by that.

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