Chapter Three

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"Rose, get away from them!" A woman rushed over and pulled the girl away from them.

"Oh, there are people here," Clarke sounded relieved, "Don't worry, we're- well, we're from Earth."

There were more concerning things than where we were from, "Clarke, can you focus on getting Murphy to breathe again?"

"And let you handle negotiations?" Clarke whispered back.

"To be fair, you guys are terrible at it," I said, "Mount Weather? The Trikru army?" It killed me to bring it up, but I didn't feel like going to war again.

They agreed and moved over to Murphy.

I cautiously stood up, "We've been in cryosleep for 125 years. We just got here. We thought this place was abandoned, and then the eclipse happened. There are four of us still in different rooms."

"Thank you for letting us know," a tall man walked past, "I'm Russel."

"Nice to meet you?" I tried. It came out sounding like a question.

Spears moved closer to me. Apparently this guy was important, or they wouldn't be so mad at me for talking to him strangely.

"You are..." He began.

"Oh, I'm Sky," I said, "That's Clarke, Bellamy, and Murphy. Miller and Jackson are over there," I pointed to a room in a building to the left, then to the right, "And that's where Emori and Echo are."

Russel seemed content at this, but glanced warily at the pile of weapons.

"Right," I shrugged, "We weren't sure if there were people here or crazy animals- I have bad experience with panthers- anyway, we threw them all over there so we couldn't use them on each other. I guess we should've thrown them further away-"

"Oh, no it's perfectly fine," Russel said, "But here, only the guard carry weapons. I hope you don't mind us taking them or you can return them to- do you have a ship?"

I nodded, "In the woods. Somewhere. We were too busy running away from the bugs to notice where we ran."

"Just tell them everything, why don't you," Bellamy muttered.

"How did negotiations with Roan go when he found out about the Ark during Praimfaya?" I asked quietly to get him to be quiet.

I wasn't there, but I heard that Roan tried to kill everyone after finding out about the Ark being a refuge for Skaikru.

Telling them everything wouldn't work. I'd probably leave out massacres and cannibalism and all that.

Someone brought a strange cage forwards and took out a snake. I warily followed them towards Murphy.

The orange viper had far too many teeth than should fit in its mouth, but it's spiky tongue stuck into Murphy. I wanted to scream at them, ask them what they were doing, but Murphy shot upright.

"Guys," he said, "Are there strange people staring at us, or is that just the hallucinations?"

"There are definitely people here," Clarke said, "Don't worry, it's impossible to share hallucinations. That's how we knew Jackson just wanted an excuse to kill Miller."

I would ask about that later. Maybe.

"That's- weird," he fainted again.

"Great," I growled.

Russel said, "Jade, get the others they were talking about to any spare room. They can stay with Delilah. Welcome to Sanctum."

We were taken to the place they said was Delilah's house. It was also a café or something like that. A restaurant, they called it.

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