Chapter Nine

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"You can't possibly think you can kill all of us with a knife," Jade laughed cruelly.

"No," I said, "And I don't want to kill you. I want Clarke back."

Jade nodded slightly, "So you want to kill Josephine Lightborn, our leader and a god, to get your friend back?"

"My friend," I told her, "Is one of our leaders. I don't care if Josephine is a god, Clarke is Wanheda." Commander of death.

"I don't even know what that means," Jade frowned.

I laughed, "It's the reason she's still alive in Josie's head. She is Wanheda, commander of death. She only dies if she wants to."

"Commander of death, huh?" Jade asked.

"I'm sorry, but things aren't looking too good for poor little Josie," I taunted.

Jade glared at me, "You will bow before saying her name!"

"Yeah, I don't think so," I smirked, twirling the blade in my hands.

I managed to get rid of at least fifteen guards. Most of them were knocked unconscious. The rest were clutching their wounds. They'd live.

Eventually, there was a strong hand on my shoulder, knocking the knife right out of my hand. I took a few scratches as I was thrown across the field.

There was a buzz as the radiation shield came back online.

I glanced up at Ryker as I rose to my feet, smiling despite the splitting headache and the black blood trickling down my face.

"That all you got?" I asked.

I didn't fight back as I was thrown around again and again, always standing back up. I didn't have the strength or energy left. I hadn't slept since I found out Clarke was Josephine.

Eventually, I hit the ground and my arms gave out as I tried to stand. The guards laughed. I was thrown one last time until my vision was blurry and my mind was spinning. I couldn't move.

"What was the point of fighting if you knew we'd win anyway?" Ryker asked.

I barely managed to choke out the words, "Because the longer you're fighting me, the further away Bellamy and your precious little Josephine get."

Then, I began coughing up black blood, but I couldn't roll onto my side to make it any easier on myself. They left me there for a moment while they grabbed a stretcher for Murphy, who they knew was on their side.

Emori was in handcuffs, but I didn't need any. I still couldn't move. They carried me back to Sanctum. I probably passed out on the way.

When I woke up, I was in the workshop. I could still barely move. Glancing up, my eyes met Echo's.

"She's awake," Echo said.

"Good," a rough voice said.

Echo asked, "Can you move?"

I tried to sit up. Nothing. I tried to move my legs. Nothing. I tried to move my arms. It hurt so badly that I couldn't, though that was probably the bruising. I could move my fingers easily.

"Can she move?" Gaia walked in.

"Her fingers? Yes," Echo said, "Nothing else."

I looked around. My head was heavy, but I could move it, "Echo? Gaia?"

Echo looked at me, "Yes?"

"Why can't I move?" I asked. Ryker walked in, and my eyes widened, "Why is he here?"

"He's hiding us," Echo said, "We're trying to get the others out of prison."

Gaia nodded, "The next step is me getting myself caught to tell them they won't get executed."

"What?" I nearly shouted as she left, "What happened?"

"After Bellamy took Clarke and Josephine, Russel decided to execute everyone. Especially after the riot that killed Simone," Ryker explained, "I may not want you to kill Josephine, but I also don't want Russel to kill all of you."

I rolled my eyes, "I thought I explained that you could do whatever you wanted with Josephine's mind drive once it was out of Clarke? She wouldn't have been dead, but Clarke would have been."

"You seem happy that I nearly killed you a few days ago," Ryker raised an eyebrow.

"If it keeps Clarke and Bellamy alive, I'd do it again," I said, but then it hit me, "A few days?"

Ryker nodded, "You broke a few ribs and- if you can't move or feel you legs, then I was right and- you broke your spine."

"You mean you broke my spine," I growled.

"It'll be hard to breathe for a while, and it'll hurt a lot, but it'll heal eventually," Ryker continued, "But your spine- I don't think-"

I interrupted, "I won't be able to walk, will I?"

"No," Ryker sighed. He then left.

"Abby got the bullet out of Raven's spine," I said, "But this isn't a bullet, it's just- broken." A tear slid down my cheek, "It's permanent."

Echo shook her head, "Once we are in a better position here, there may be a way to put it back together-"

"How can I help from here?" I asked.

"Once the bruising on your arms goes down, you'll be able to move them more easily, but until then, just rest," Echo said firmly, "I know you're a fighter and you want to help, but you're no good to us-"

I finished, "Broken. I'm no good to you broken."

"It's not-"

"I get it," I said from my position on the couch, "Go. They need you."

Echo hesitated for a moment, but eventually stood up and left with Ryker, leaving me on my own.

I couldn't walk. I would never be able to walk again. For a moment, I thought of running, the wind blasting my face as the world around me blurred.

My eyes blurred with tears. There was no one else here, so I let them fall. Then, I forced myself to stop. I would run again, even if it was only in my mind. I could still be useful.

For now, I let myself worry about Bellamy and Clarke. If the children of Gabriel hd helped them. If they'd made it. They were strong. They'd make it, and Clarke would survive.

Ryker and Echo were back before long, "Gaia got caught. They're going to burn them tonight."

"If I'm going to get them out, I need scopes on my bow," Echo handed the bow to Ryker.

He hesitated, but grabbed it, nodded, and left.

"I don't trust him," I stated bluntly.

"We have no choice," Echo said, "The only way to free the others is to kill Russel. I found a good place to shoot from, but I'm going to need him to watch my back."

I frowned, "I still don't trust him."

She nodded, smiling a little, "I'll be back soon with the others."

I nodded, "Good luck."

She left.

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