Chapter Five

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We sat in the restaurant for breakfast.

"The ceremony start soon," Delilah said, "I'll see you there."

Thankfully, they didn't force me into a dress this time.

"Can't believe they kicked Diyoza out," Clarke was talking to Abby.

"I can," Abby replied, "She was a terrorist."

Clarke raised an eyebrow, "Then why did you work for her?"

Everyone gathered in front of the palace, where Russel gave a long speech and took Delilah inside.

After a long while, she was 'one with the Primes'. She walked out as Russel announced her as Priya VII.

What is going on here? She didn't even remember Jordan.

"Jordan," I pulled him back as he ran towards Priya, "It's not Delilah."

"She is one with the Primes," Priya said, "She wants me to tell you that she is happy."

Jordan stared at her, and I pulled him back, turning to Priya, "Sorry."

"We hope to see you at the party," Priya smiled warmly.

I nodded, "Thank you."

Jordan stared at me as I pulled him away, "Delilah didn't remember me."

"Whatever happened," I said, "That's not Delilah. Grab the others."

"They're at the party," Jordan said.

I nodded, "We'll grab them afterward. But if you see Gaia, tell her to keep a close eye on Madi."

After the party, we all met up in the restaurant. The guard, Jade, was following Clarke closely.

"Good, you're here," I said, "I have a theory."

"Oh dear," Murphy joked, "Here we go."

I frowned, "Did I do something to offend you?"

"Do you actually care?" He countered.

"No," I answered, "Alright. When Cillian was bandaging a scratch from the eclipse, he said something about my blood, saying to keep it covered unless I wanted people to worship me. Delilah was a nightblood, and she was turned into a Prime. The new Prime, Priya, didn't remember Jordan. I think there's something about nightbloods here-"

Bellamy frowned, "Yesterday you were telling me we needed to find a safe place and stay there. Now you want us to leave?"

"If they're targeting nightbloods," I was aware of Jade behind me, so I didn't reveal Madi's name, "Then the Commander isn't safe, and the rest of Wonkru could be destroyed. None of us would be safe."

Bellamy looked lost and confused, as did everyone else.

"I'm not saying we need to leave," I said, "Not right away, at least. Not until we've build our own Sanctum. I know this could just be years of distrust and betrayal talking, but I'm just saying until then, we need to be careful."

Clarke nodded gravely. She was a nightblood and so was Madi. She must be terrified, but you wouldn't know it from her smile.

As everyone scattered, Clarke smiled a little.

"What?" She asked as Bellamy stared at her.

"Nothing," he smiled back, "A smile looks good on you."

She never smiled this much. Whatever happened with Cillian at that party, she had fun for one of the first times in her life.

Clarke left, but I just sat on the roof and looked up. The view was amazing. Past the planet's rings, the stars flew past.

Some were shooting stars, others were constellations. I wondered if one of those little specks up there was Earth, or maybe our sun.

My eyes closed.

Someone shook me awake, "Jordan's being an idiot."

That's all Bellamy had to say. I followed him downstairs with Murphy and Gaia. The flamekeeper wanted to see the Prime's culture. Murphy had nothing better to do.

We walked up the stairs to the palace and through a few rooms, chasing after Jordan.

"Look, can we be careful?" Murphy asked, "I don't want to get fed to toxic bugs and trees because Jordan's girlfriend dumped him."

"Shut up, Murphy," Jordan snapped.

I glanced between them, but then found another door, "Try here."

Jordan short circuited the lock and opened the door. What was on the other side shocked us all. Clarke appeared behind us.

"Oh my god," I said, looking around, "These are all the different hosts. The bodies that became one with the Primes. They die but the Prime lives on. How is that possible-"

"Guys," Jordan walked into another room and powered on a computer, "Pick a video."

Bellamy glanced at them, "Try that one. It looks like they maybe got it right that time?"

The video was called Eureka. Jordan opened the file and we all watched closely.

There was a girl screaming on a table, begging two other people to let her go. One injected her with something, and she froze, all of her muscles going limp.

"Did we just watch someone die?" Jordan gasped.

"Wait," Gaia pointed to something in the first man's hand, "Is that-"

I finished her statement, "That's just like the Flame. But bigger."

They injected it into her neck, and she woke up screaming. She thrashed around until she crawled into a corner. The two men talked to her, "Josephine. You're back."

"So, Eureka," the first man walked to the camera, breathless, "We did it. We brought her back." The video ended.

"She was a nightblood," I said, "And they killed her to put this Josephine girl in her head."

Bellamy frowned, "Then- that's what happened to Delilah."

Jordan just stared at the screen, "She's gone. They killed her."

"If you had a chance to bring back someone you loved, wouldn't you take it?" Clarke asked.

"You're agreeing with them?" I asked, astounded, "Oh, no, of course you agree. You left Bellamy, Gaia, and I in the arena to get killed so you could save Madi."

Clarke stood there silently.

"That's not fair," Bellamy said, "Clarke saved us."

"After she then betrayed us and nearly got us all killed in the gorge," I nodded, "And that was Madi. Not Clarke."

Murphy interjected, "Look. If they're targeting nightbloods-"

"Madi," Gaia ran out of the building.

"We need to get you somewhere safe," Bellamy looked at me.

I shrugged, "I can take care of myself."

"With no weapons against all of Sanctum's guards?"

"I've seen the guards train," I smirked, "They're useless."

Clarke frowned, "That's a little unfair."

"Yeah, true. They've never had anything to fight before," I sighed, "Clarke, be careful. Your mom will kill us all if anything happens- well, actually, she'd probably kill herself because she made you a nightblood, and she'll think it's her fault. I'm going to keep an eye on Madi."

"Just be careful!" He shouted after me.

I ignored him.

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