Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up with my hands bound in front of me.

"What's going on?" I asked Bellamy, who was next to me.

"I don't know," he admitted, so I looked around.

The infinity look on the Flame, A.L.I.E.'s chips, and the mind drives was also all around the room.

The sacred symbol.

Those weairing the symbol on their robes walked around, "Drink."

When they came to me, I spat in the cup. Their dagger was at my throat, "Your blood or the Blood of Sanctum."

Well, I did need something to punch.

My crutches were on the floor next to me. I wriggled my hands out of the poorly tied ropes and punched the woman in the face.

I carefully stood up with the crutches, "Yeah, no."

"How dare you," another person walked over to me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Is that how you treat a precious host?" I used the woman's dagger do cut my arm.

They all gasped at the black blood running down my arm.

My hair was down, covering the back of my neck. They couldn't see I had no scar.

"A Prime," he mumbled. Well, I sure wasn't a Prime, but I could use that, "I'm so sorry-"

I cut him off, "Priya Prime. Now if you don't mind, cut these people loose."


"Now," I put as much authority in my voice as possible, mimicking Lexa's quiet but intimidating voice.

They stuttered s little, "But they-"

"They aren't from here," I said, "So why don't we throw them to the trees. Let the next eclipse kill them."

"Yes," he said, "It's so wonderful to have you back-"

I held up a hand, "Enough. Now go."

They cut my friends loose and dragged them outside, "They killed my son permanently. I'll take it from here."

Nodding, they walked back inside to 're-adjust' the children of Gabriel. I'd figure out a plan for them later.

Emori waked over, wearing an elaborate dark blue dress, stood next to Murphy, who wore a clean suit. His face had Emori's tattoo painted onto it.

"So, Priya," Emori said, "I see you've taken my side against the adjustment protocol."

"Kaylee. Daniel. So good to see you," it was best if I kept up my fake identity on while I was outside.

Emori nodded, "Come with me please," we went to the diner.

Emori punched me in the face, "You killed Sky too?"

I frowned as I stood up, "Emori, seriously?"

"Oh- sorry," she mumbled.

"Priya's dead," I said, "They destroyed her mind drive, along with Ryker's."

They nodded, "Clarke went to space to take care of Russel, Simone, and the other Primes. They have Madi, Raven, and Gaia."

"Alright," I said, "What now?"

Bellamy forced me to sit down, "Now you explain the crutches."

I'd been avoiding this conversation since I saw him hiding from the angry mob affected by the red sun toxin.

"When you and took Josephine/Clarke to fix her, I got into a fight with the guards," I said, "I didn't kill any of them, but Ryker was so angry that we took Josie. Fighting him bought you time."

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