Chapter Eight

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"How is that possible?" Madi asked as we all talked about it.

"A.L.I.E.," Jackson realized, "She must have been able to download her mind onto the chip when they killed her."

Bellamy nodded, "So how do we get her back?"

"I say kill the Primes, remove the mind drives, and destroy them," Madi shrugged.

"That's a good plan," Echo agreed, "If we're willing to kill everyone in Sanctum. They'll be mad if we kill their gods."

Madi raised an eyebrow, "Too bad."

"How would you kill the Primes?" Bellamy asked.

"Simple," Madi said, "Kill one. The rest will run into the main hall for safety, where we'll be waiting."

Jordan frowned, "But Delilah-"

"She's dead," I stated bluntly, "We can't bring her back."

"Bellamy," Emori appeared the the doorway, "Do you still have that shock collar from Eligius 4?"

He handed it to her, "Why?"

"Just experimenting," Emori said as she turned to the door.

She hesitated.

"Clarke's alive," Emori told him.

Now Bellamy hesitated.

"You already knew, didn't you?" Emori was astounded, "Why didn't you tell me?" Before he could answer, she continued, "They're trying o fry her out of Josie's head. She was in there on A.L.I.E.'s chip thingy. That's what they need this for." She waved the collar in the air.

"Then we need to stop her," I said.

Madi interjected, "I still say kill them all."

"No," I snapped, "Not an option."

"You still need to be careful," Bellamy warned, "You never took the chip, so if they turn you, you'll stay that way."

Right. Clarke had A.L.I.E.'s chip. Madi had the Flame. I had nothing.

Emori went back with the collar so that they still thought she could be on their side, so she was our spy. Meanwhile, the rest of us would figure out a way to get Josephine out of Clarke's head.

But all of a sudden, Jordan asked, "Where's Madi?"

Screams erupted.

"Miranda Prime is dead!" Someone yelled.

"The invaders have killed her!" Another accused.

People grabbed us and said, "Safety is this way."

The main hall. Madi's plan. Kill one Prime, then kill the rest in the chaos of the main hall. The others vanished in the chaos.

They had to be around here somewhere.

A firm arm gripped my wrist and dragged me backwards. The door to the chaos closed, leaving me in a dark room.

I wanted to scream at them, but chances were it was a Prime that was angry, and I didn't have any weapons.

"So," a familiar voice drawled, "You again."

"Hello, Josephine," I smiled as she turned on the light. Looking around, I added, "Hello Emori, hello random Prime, and hello cockroach."

Murphy frowned, "Seriously?"

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Your help," Josie said, "There's a way to get me out of Clarke's head. And EMP. That way, I use the shock collar and fry myself into the mind drive. It'll jump-start her back to life."

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