Chapter Twelve

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I felt my heart start pumping again, blood pumping through me, the air back in my lungs.

Though it was hard to move, I sat upright to face an overjoyed Gaia, an amazed Miller, and an incredibly confused Ryker.

"I knew you were too stubborn to die," Miller laughed.

I raised an eyebrow, while Gaia smiled, "Good to have you back."

"I didn't cry, did I?" I joked.

We all laughed a little, "Only a little."

"How did you-"

I cut Ryker off. Quite literally. My dagger slotted itself in the wall just past him.

He clutched his throat, making slight choking noises, "That's for Clarke."

Ryker dropped to the ground, dead.

My friends looked at me, astounded, especially as I smiled a little, "Jus drein, jus daun."

Blood must have blood.

Gaia and Miller helped me up and made a pair of makeshift crutches for me to walk with.

"How did you do that?" Miller asked, "You were dead for a whole minute."

"I kept fighting," I answered, wiping the wet tears off my cheeks.

We moved to a 'safe' building, where I sat down. At least I could move around on crutches.

When they left, I hummed to myself, the lullaby my father used to sing to me.

"What did I miss?" Murphy strolled in, then gasped.

"What?" I asked, "Shocked to see me alive?"

Murphy frowned, "But- your spine broke-"

"So I'm paralyzed from the waist down," I finished, "I also died, but I was feeling pretty stubborn, so I came back to annoy you guys."


I cut him off, "Not the time. Is Clarke really gone?"

"I'm sorry, but they were trying- Josephine killed her," Murphy said nervously.

He obviously expected me to lash out and try to kill him for helping. But first of all, I knew Emori's life was on the line, so he'd do anything.

Secondly, I compartmentalize. That means that I'll only let myself think of the emotional side of Clarke's death after I solve the many leadership problems that come with it.

"Don't you hate me?" Murphy asked.

"They threatened Emori," I said, "I understand."

Everyone looked astonished at that.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

Raven burst into the room, her eyes filled with tears. Murphy asked, "What happened?"

"Shut up," Raven snapped before storming away again.

"What-" Jackson walked in next, in the same state as Raven.

Murphy turned to me as I asked, "What happened?"

"Russel was talking to Abby. Raven and Jackson were there trying to help Madi, but Russel stopped them," Murphy said, "Emori and I left."

"Jackson," I stood up and walked over to them, "Raven. Where's Abby?"

Jackson wouldn't even look at me, but the sight of Ravens face said it all. Her hair curled slightly around her teary eyes. Her face got even more red when I mentioned Abby.

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