Chapter 6

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Meridiths POV
When I woke up the first thing i did was text Harry. hey morning babe i texted. It kinda felt werid to be with Harry because he use to bully me but I i realized that that had been the past.Harry replied with hey whats up. I replied with nothing. After that i decided to get up and go to Harrys house to hang there. I put on a 5sos T-shirt and some black jeans. I then just put on flats. i brushed my hair and teeth and i was out. Wheni arrived at Harrys door i saw him kissing Ashely. I called out his name and he pretended to look so surprised and i ran away trying to hold back my tears.

Harrys Pov

there was a knock at my door. i looked through the window to see Ashely standing there. i opened the door and asked her what did she want. She replied with I want you and she pulledmy shirt and kissed me. For some reason I couldnt let go. Her kiss was magical and then Iheard someone call my name. It was Meridith. I totally forgot we were a couple i pushed Ashely away and ran after Meridith. Meridith i screamed. What Harry what do you want from me huh.I pulled her in and kissed her. She instantly released and slapped me right across my face. Do you honsetly think just cause you kissed me i am going to forgive you. Look Harry i understand if you dont wanna be with me but you didnt have to go out amd cheat on me. Honestly i made the wrong mistake last night. I never want to even wanna look at you again oh and you and Ashely belong together you guys make a cute couple. No Meridith i want you. I said. That kiss didnt mean anything. If it didnt mean shit then why did you do it.she said interrupting me.

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