Chapter 9

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Meridiths Pov
This morning I woke up really early. I guess I was excited to hang with Zayn. He's super cool and also sweet. I started to get out of bed but then my phone buzzed. it was a text from Zayn. It said are you excited as I am I can't wait to see you 😉. I replied with yea do you wanna reschedule. Yea ill pick you up at 10 he replied. ok well let me get ready I said. I wanted to scream. This feeling is so weird. I got up and headed straight for the bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. After that I curled my hair and put on a black and white high low dress with some flats. I went down stairs because Zayn was on his way. As I was walking down I saw Ashely talking to Harry on the couch. Meridith you look beautiful said harry. I know I said walking down stairs. Can we talk he said. There's nothing to talk about I said. Then there was a knock on the door. Look I have to go my date is here I lied. Who are you with he asked. none of your business. I opened the door to see Zayn looking hella hot i grabbed his sweater and kissed him. Luckily he kissed back. His lips were so soft and he placed his hands around my waist I could last forever but I released to control myself. Harry looked so shocked. Hey beautiful ready to go Zayn said. yea lets go I said. As I closed the door Zayn kissed me. I pulled away. Oh I'm so sorry Zayn I only did that to make Harry see that I moved on. Meridith I know i saw Harry look out the window Zayn said with a smirk. You so smart Zayn I said shoving him. alright let's get this party started said Zayn. Do you know how old you sound no one even says that anymore I said giggling. Whatever lets go he said smiling. As we got into his car I asked him where were we going. it's a surprise he said. Cmon Zaynster tell me I asked impatiently. Ok ok Mer we are going Lazer tagging he said. OMG I LOVE LAZER TAGGING I said. Me and my dad use to do it all the time I said.Whatever happened to you dad he asked. Tears started to form in my eyes he died i replied. Oh I'm so sorry if I made you upset said Zayn. No it's fine I saida wiping my tears. Your my friend so you were going to find out anyway i said. Zayn I said. Yes beautiful he said. Why do you bother to talk to me I asked. Well we are friends he said. I meant when I was walking alone you know before we meant and I looked horrible I said. I don't like to see pretty girls sad. it bothered me to see you crying he said. Zayn I don't wanna go laser tagging I said. Ok what do you wanna do then he said. I just want to talk to you cause your so amazing. he parked the car and kissed me. I couldn't pull away this time his lips were so amazingly soft. his perfect jawline was so sharp. Zayn pulled and away and said sorry. It's ok I wanted you to kiss me I said. Zayn and I started laughing. Zayn and I could never be serious when it came to anything. How about I take you back to my place were we could play games and maybe you can meet my mom dad and sisters. That sounds amazing I said.
As we finally got to his house I grew nervous. I was so worried that they wouldn't like me. As I walked in the house the first thing I saw was a hug from the cutest little girl. Are you Zayns girlfriend she asked. No we are just friends I replied with a smile. Can you be his girlfriend I started to laugh as zayn said Safaa. I'm Safaa she said. I'm Meridith I replied with a smile. Hello I'm Donyiah Zayns older sister. And I'm Waliyah zayns younger sister. I'm only 16 though. me too I said. I'm Patricia zayns mom. And I'm Yaser zayns dad. Hello guys I'm Meridith and it was amazing meeting you all I said with a smile. Your a very beautiful girl said Patricia. Thank you I said with a smile. Can Meridith and I go to my room now Zayn said blushing. Ok see you guys in a few said Yaser. Zayn took my hand as we made our way to his room. Sorry Zayn said while closing the door. What's to be sorry about your family seems so amazing I said. They are amazing just alittle annoying he said. I understand I said.
It's been hours since I've been at zayns house and I was about to go home.Bye everyone I said. bye they all said. As I was leaving Zayn offered to take me home and this time I let him. As we drove I fell asleep.
Zayns POV
as I was driving I looked over and saw Meridith asleep peacefully. Since we were already at her house I decided to pick her up and bring her to her room. I knocked on the door and I saw ashely. Can I come in I asked. Of course hottie she said winking. I just walked right passed and went straight to Meridiths room. I gently set Meridith on her bed and started to leave until I heard her call my name. Zayn she said. Yes beautiful I replied. Thanks I had so much fun today and I'm so grateful she said. Anytime I said smiling. I'll talk to you later get some rest I said. ok she smiled and laid back down. I closed the door and I saw Ashely pushed herself against me. You want some of this she said. Nope I said pushing her away. Why not she won't give you all I can. Look I don't want sex if that's what you think I like Meridith because she smart and beautiful You can never replace her I said. Look babe I know your only saying that cause we are by her door she said. No I'm not now move and go back to your little sex toy Harry doll I said walking out the house.

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