Chapter 12

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Meridiths POV

I got nervous as Harry and I walked into the room. Harry why doyou wanna talk anyway I said. Because Meridith I love you and I wanna be with you and just you Meridith he said. If you wanted just me you would've made better decisions than to kiss Ashley in the first place. You fucked up everything and now you try to blame me for it i said. Look I know what I did was wrong but I'm sorry and I just want you to let it go he said. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO LET GO OF THIS I yelled. Look I'm sorry ok just want things to be like it used to be you know. Remember our first date we went skating and had so much fun it was amazing. I've never felt that connection with anyone before Meridith. I've just been playing with girls and never knew what love was until I knew you Meridith. You just make me so happy and I'm scared to lose you he said. That's why I was upset when you were with Zayn. If I didn't like you I would've given a fuck he said. Harry I feel the same way but I still kinda have feelings for Zayn i said. What do you mean feelings for Zayn I thought you liked me he said. I do I like you more than him but I can't lie I do find Zayn attractive and I always have I said. What's your relationship with him cause if your a couple you need to end it its either him or me harry said. I'll talk to Zayn and get back to you in a couple of hours ok I said. Ok he said. I grabbed Harry by his face and kissed him. Bye styles I said while holding the door knob. Bye armstrong he said with a smile. I finally left and took a deep breath. Now to Zayn I thought. I walked down the stairs and headed towards the door.

Zayns POV

I felt like I was going to die. Meridith was my first love and I didn't want to let her go but I knew it was better for her to be with Harry anyway. I then heard a knock on the door. I whispered to myself please dont be Meridith. Next thing I hear is Zayn your girlfriend is here said Safaa. I sighed and walked out of my room into the living room. Yes I said. Hey Zayn do you wanna hang meridith said. Umm sure when I asked. Right now she said awkwardly. Ok sure let me get my jacket I said. I walked back into my room wondering what I just agreed to. I walked back into the living room. So your ready to go she asked. Yea let's go I said.

Meridiths Pov

Zayn and I started to walk and suddenly Zayn said something. Meridith why did you come and get me he asked. To hang out with you I said. Is that the real reason because I can tell that your lying. Ok that's one of the reasons I mummbled. What's the other reason he asked. We need to talk about us i said. We are just friends and nothing but friends he said. Yeah I'm glad you understand that but I just wanted you to be happy I said. Well Meridith to be honset I'm completely broken and torn. I'm no where near happy he said. I thought you were okay with it I said. I just said that so you could be happy.I know that there will never be a you and I but I can at least dream right he said. Look I'm sorry that I'm not that into you and that you can't always get what you want I argued. Me getting what I want is rare if I got what I wanted me and you would be together. If I got what I wanted you would be my finance but im the selfish one he said. Zayn I said. What he said. I'm sorry I never concidered your feelings and how you felt I said. I don't even care anymore forget we had this conversation he said. No Zayn I cant forget that we had something I cant forget that you took my virginity I said. Look Zayn Im not in love with you but I love you as a older brother that I look up to. Zayn I said. Yes he said. Do you even care about our friendship I asked. Our friendship isn't the problem the problem is our romance that I guess doesn't exist anymore. Our friendship means the world to me but I cant stop thinking about our romance. The way you smile makes my heart melt. The way you laugh and the way you flip your hair is just its just. Just what I said. Just beauiful he said. I'm just so deeply in love with you its crazy. I understand if you don't feel the same cause I know your deeply in love with Harry he said. I might be in love with you but i love our friendship more he said with a smile. I hugged him. Thank you so much Zayn I said. I really want to kiss you but I won't he said with a smirk. I grabbed him and kissed him. That's the last kiss you'll ever get from me ever I said . Fair enough he said while laughing. I love you said Zayn. As a friend of course he said with a smile. I love you too I said while laughing. Now i have to go talk to harry I said. Ok tell him I said hi said Zayn.

Harrys POV

I decided it was time for me to settle down with Meridith. I wanted to ask Meridith to marry me. I started to clean my house. I threw away all the beer bottles. I vacumed and swept. I grabbed out candles and had them in 2 rows by the door going straight down. I lit every single candle and I actually made spaghetti for her. I also poured wine and everything was perfect except me so I rushed up stairs and took a shower. I brushed my hair and put on a black blazer with a white button up under it. I put on black skinny jeans and brushed my teeth. I put some brown boots on grabbed my fendora and I was ready to go. I then heard the door bell.l glanced at myself one last time and went down to open the door. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing a black dress that had a white bow on it. Hey you look beautiful I said. Thanks you look very handsome she said while giggling. I let her in and she look astonished. You did all this for me she said. Anything for you I said. She kissed me and I took her to the table so we could eat. After we ate we haloed for a while. I need to ask you something serious I said. Is it like liams mustache serious she asked. Yes I said chuckling. I got down on one knee and grabbed her hand. I saw tears in her eyes. Meridith will you marry me I asked. Of course she said crying. I then hugged her and knew that we would last for a long time.

*5. Years later

Meridith and Harry are married and Mer is pregnant with twins. Zayn still hasn't found that special one but he never gave up hope. Ashley became a play boy model and caught stds

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