Chapter 2

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What he did next surprised me, he walked behind the counter and got really close to me. He rested one hand on my waist. My body flinched, I picked up his hand and set it back on the counter. What I did next was what every normal person would do in my situation. I kicked his shin and laughed at him as his body fell to the ground. He got back up and growled "This isn't over" I giggled. He winked at me, I took off my apron and told everyone goodbye. I got on my bike and started pedaling. Only this time I didn't stop at the park. I was already late so I wanted to hurry up and get there. I felt bad whenever I was late to pick Oakley up. She would always tell me that it was okay but I still felt bad. I arrived at the school and hugged her. "Hey, sissy!" I smiled "Hey Oakley, How was your day?" I asked. She replied with "It was okay." I nodded and put her in the basket. We arrived home. I helped Oakley get ready for bed. I gave her a bath and brushed her hair out, She insisted she slept in one of my shirts so I let her. I told her a bedtime story and tucked her in. I planted a kiss on her forehead and went to my room. I fell fast asleep moments later. The morning was the exact same, they seemed to be the same every day but today I had to bring Oakley to work with me. Her school is closed on Fridays so I have to bring her with me. She didn't really mind.

We made to the cafe. "Auntie Nichole!" Oakley yelled, I smiled and tied my apron on. "Hey, kiddo!" Nichole replied. I giggled as I watched Oakley cling onto Nichole's leg. The day was pretty normal, until he walked in again. I sighed, I lifted Oakley onto the counter in front of me and handed her a muffin. "Thank You sissy!" she pulled me into a hug. I patted her head and she let go. He walked up to the counter " One black coffee darling." he said. He turned his attention towards the ground. "Shut up clown" I replied. He looked at me in shock. I giggled and passed him the coffee. While sliding the card to me he asked "What's your name?" I looked at him completely shocked. "Tell him! Tell Him, Sissy!" Oakley was yelling. I shot her a glare "I like the way you think little one." he chuckled, she crawled over to him and gave him a hug. "Oakley!!! I-I- I'm so so sorry!" I yelled he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. She giggled, he whispered something in her ear. "Sissy, wait- okay so sissy Noah wants to take you on a d-d-date tomorrow!" she yelled; Everyone was practically heard that. I began to blush, Noah, and Oakley's fist-bumped. He set her down "so what do you say?" I nodded. Meet me here at five o'clock. I nodded Nichole ran over to me, I thought he walked away "I got a date with a hot guy!" I said. I heard a laugh, I looked over to see Noah's card in my had still, "My card please?" he asked "Y-y-yeah.." I handed him the card, I was completely red. He turned to his bodyguards "Boys!! I just got a date with a hot girl! He yelled, I giggled see you later doll face. He walked out, I turned back to Nichole. we both started dancing. That night I and Oakley decided to stay at Nichole's house so she could help me get ready for the date.

We didn't have work so Nichole and her parents offered to watch Oakley. They treated me like their daughter, I was so grateful. It was 3:23 Nichole rushed into her room and started going through her closet. She threw out a black two-piece. "Put it on now!" I finally gave up and put it on. She put light makeup on me and straightened my hair. It was 4:48 so I ran over to Oakley kissed her forehead grabbed my bag and ran out of the front door. I placed my bag in the bike basket and hopped on the bike. My skirt kept riding up, but I didn't want to be late. We met and he kissed my hand."You look beautiful." he said, "You don't look bad yourself." I replied, "Are you ready?" he asked. I nodded and he took my hand and we walked out to a car. "No bodyguards?" I asked, he shook his head. "So what do you do anyway?" I asked her he didn't answer but I just thought it was just because he was driving. the date was amazing, we ate at a very fancy restaurant. He gave me his phone number and offered me a ride home but I declined. We hugged and he got in his car and drove off. I was walking down the street and my feet started to hurt so I took off my heels. I took a turn down a dark alley. I heard two male voices, I turned the other way and tried to creep out. With my luck, I dropped a heel and the voices stopped. I picked it up and ran. I just started running but I was very slow seeing that I am never workout. The men chased me. One tackled me and my vision went blurry.

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