Chapter 14

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I woke  up very nauseous I ran out of bed and threw up in the bathroom. Noah followed and held my hair out of my face and rubbed my back. I stood up and wiped my mouth, " are you okay goddess?" Noah asked pulling me into a tight hug. I nodded and hugged him back, I giggled knowing what was causing this. I walked down stairs and brought all of the girls into the living room. I picked up Oakley and held her on my waist. I whispered something in her ear and she giggled. Then I called all of the guys downstairs. I sat Noah down on the couch and held his hands. "Princess whats wrong?" He asked looking at my hands. "I'm hungry." I mumbled he busted out laughing. For some reason I got so mad I couldn't control it, I slapped him and walked over to Owen. "Owen could you order Chinese food?" I asked with tears rolling down my cheeks he nodded and went outside to make the call. I turned around and glared at Noah and flipped him off. I walked up to him and handed him the paper I got from the doctors at the hospital. He read them and looked at me "Wait really?" He asked holding my hands. I giggled "Yes baby!" I replied he lifted me up and spun me around. Everyone else was very confused. "He placed his hands on my stomach and kissed it.

The door bell rang so I went to answer it "You should have listened.." A voice whispered. Hands suddenly were around my mouth. "I tried to scream but it was muffled. I was thrown in the back of a van and handcuffed to the wall. I tried to reach for the new phone Noah got me after breaking the last one. We arrived at a ware house. It seemed to be broken and old considering the dirt and vines all over the outside. I was taken out of the van and escorted inside of the building. I tried to squirm out of their grip. "Stop moving slut!" they growled throwing me to the ground. I was tied up to a post. They stripped me down to my underwear and tightened the chains so I would stand on the pole. They got many whips and started. They slashed my back open and left many marks all over the rest of my body. I fell to the ground and tears poured out of my eyes. "Weak" The person said erupting into laughter. They slammed the door a new man came in. He didn't have a mask on but he had one giant scar across his face. "Hey baby doll." he whispered making his way over to me. He got really close and licked the blood off of my cheek. I tried pulling away but he got closer. "You are going to stay with me doll." He whispered in my ear kissing my neck. If im going to get out of this im going to he to play along. "Mhm Kiss me." I whispered back his eyes opened really widely. He turned his head pulling me in and shoving me tongue down my throat. I pulled away as he took the chains off of my arms. "Ill be back later doll." He growled in a flirty tone. I nodded and giggled. He didn't realize I took the gun out of his pocket. He came back and had Noah, Oakley,Tyler,Phoebe, Sasha,Ethan,Nichole,Holden,Kira, Ace and Owen. The man in the suit untied me and held me up by my waist. The guards brought Oakley and Noah up in front of me. Oakley was crying so Noah kissed her forehead. "Shoot Noah and the rest will live, Shoot the kid and I will kill them all except Noah." he whispered kissing me cheek. I pulled away and Noah looked at me "Baby, kill me I love you so much more than you understand. Im so sorry for putting you in harms way. Take care of them all." he said putting his head down. "I cant Noah!" I yelled, the man put his hands over mine and pulled the trigger. "Noah!" I yelled falling to the ground. The man walked away he threw me the keys and left. I ran over to Noah and kissed his cheek. I curled up into a ball and cried. "Athena the keys.." Ethan whispered. I nodded and stood up I unlocked their cells and fell back onto the floor. Ethan picked Oakley up and Holden picked me up. I squirmed out of his arms and ran back to Noah. I was dragged away and set back in the van. Sasha stroked my hair as I cried we arrived home and I went into our room and put on Noah's clothes.

I woke up to crying I got up and went to the crib. "Sofia its so early baby girl." I sighed and took her into the kitchen. "Merry Christmas!" Phoebe yelled I shot her a weak smile and she took Sofia out of my arms. I looked down at the ring on my finger It was beautiful, I missed him everyday. I left Sofia with Phoebe and got ready for the day. I put on a hoodie and leggings and straightened my hair. It was snowing outside. I went back downstairs with a small coat for Venus, she was already dressed. "Whats taking so long I wanna go!" Tyler pouted taking my hand dragging me to the car. "Where?" I asked. He looked at me really shocked. "The cabin, all of the guys and.. Noah used to play there when they were little we go back every Christmas. Sasha replied. I nodded and closed my eyes.

I shot up and started breathing heavily. "Its okay Ath its okay, we are here." Ethan whispered I nodded and took Sofia out of the car. I looked up and saw a log cabin it was beautiful with white snow outlining the roof. We walked in and it looked like someone was inside. I walked in first. I looked around and saw a man on the couch. He looked at me with a big goofy grin. "Noah.." I whispered "Princess!" he yelled. "No,How,When?" I asked handing Ethan Venus. "Well, we knew they would want me to die so, the doctor installed a piece of technology to simulate my heartbeat until he could reach me." He said walking over to me. "You bitch!" I yelled slapping him. "But I love you." I whispered kissing his cheek. "Did you miss me?" I asked glaring at him. "Of course I missed my princess!" he responded. I went and took Sofia from Ethan and brought her over to Noah. "My baby girl!" he yelled taking her from my arms. he cooed at her while she wrapped her hand around his fingers. I giggled and sat next to him. Sasha came over and took her. I stood up and walked to the fire, "We should make another one." he growled him my ear kissing my neck. "Later" I replied Holden came in and chucked a snowball at Noah's head. "You are going to pay!" Noah yelled, I winked at Holden and tackled Noah showering him with kisses. He flipped us over pecked my lips and ran out the door.

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