🌟Lapis Lazuli🌟

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Star's POV:

I just came out of my room to see a bunch of stuff piled onto one another and a giant blackboard and well.
"U-um... Steven? W-what's all this a-about?" I inquired.
"Oh! Hi Star! Connie was just telling me about how school was and how she's out for summer," Steven replied. "Well, how do y-you start your 'S-School'?" I asked again.
"Oh, why don't I ever ask follow up questions!? Who will teach little Stevie now?!" Steven groaned.
"Wait, t-teach? Give me a s-second please," I smoothed out my Violet dress and walked towards the temple door. I knocked and called out for Pearl. "Pearl! Can y-you help out w-with something?" I called out.
The door opened and Pearl came out. I whispered my request to her and she nodded in understanding. I watched as she walked over to Steven and summoned the galaxy mirror. I noticed that there was a cracked gem on the back, a Lapis Lazuli to be exact.
Pearl tried to activate it but nothing showed. I quickly locked my eye onto the gem to also see her past. It brought a tear to my eye and I knew that I had to get her out. Though Lapis was a homeworld gem, no gem should be treated like this.
Steven went out of the house to go somewhere with Lapis(still in the mirror). I followed after him quickly and asked if I could join him for the day. He, of course, said yes and I followed him around for a little bit. Lapis then decided to copy Steven's words so she could talk to him. I asked if I could borrow the mirror for a second. Steven nodded quickly and handed it over with caution.
I walked over to the ocean with Steven following behind me and said to the mirror, "I know y-you are a gem in the m-mirror. I'm going t-to help you o-out."
They showed me what to do and I quickly followed it. I pulled on the gem and it quickly popped out, causing the mirror to be broken.
The ocean, when I was pulling it out, had the same pattern as the mirror underneath me.
          I let go of the gem and she quickly reformed. I put my hands out to help rebalance her.
          Steven Gasped in awe and started saying he should get the other gems and ran back to the temple. I didn't say anything but focus on Lapis.
"Thank you," Lapis said, lifting her head up, "My name is Lapis, Lapis Lazuli. Are you really a Crystal Gem?
"T-there is no n-need to thank m-me. But y-Yes, I am a Crystal G-Gem. My name is Star S-Sapphire." I stuttered, playing with my dress a little.
"But you set me free," Lapis said with uncertainty. "I know w-what happened to y-you and I have m-my own backstory as w-well that I hate to l-look back at. I've f-felt some sort of your s-sorrow before." I said, my voice low.
          Lapis looked at me in almost understanding and we both felt a bond almost, like Steven would call it, a sisterly bond.
"Star!" The rest of the gems shouted. They ran towards where Lapis and I stood and started bringing out their weapons.
"WAIT!" I shouted. I raised my voice over my usual very quiet tone so they were shocked and stopped in their places.
"You," Lapis Started, "You three knew I was in there, and you didn't do anything. Did you even wonder who I used to be?" She raised a water hand from out of the ocean and then started to bring it down on the Gems.
          Pearl and Amethyst ducked out of the way but Garnet was the one who got hit and was underneath the water hand. Steven was off to the side, in shock that Lapis did this.
He raced up to her and shouted, "What are you doing?!"
"My name is Lapis Lazuli and you can't keep me trapped here anymore!" Lapis shouted, water particles flying around her.
I knew that this may or may not have happened to Steven so I stood in his place.
          "They're not going to let us leave," Lapis said, glaring at the rest of the gems. She made a path in the ocean, "Star, come with me."
I sighed, "I'm sorry Lapis, but I cannot accept to go with you. This place here, the Earth, is my home. I apologize."
She looked at me sadly and let down the water path, "Fine, goodbye Star."
Garnet got out from underneath the water hand and punched it away. She ran towards Lapis but a wave fell over her and then washed away. Lapis was then gone.
My heart felt heavy like in sorrow again and I missed her like how siblings would. Garnet came up to me and then we went back to the temple. I told them that I saw that Steven would do the same thing and let Lapis free when Pearl gave him the Galaxy Mirror so I did it instead of him to keep him safe.
Pearl said if it was for Steven's safety then she was fine with it. I knew something else would happen soon so I then apologized for the disruption I caused and went back to my room.

ENDED BOOK. PLEASE READ THE OTHER BOOK.Where stories live. Discover now