🌟Traitor... Peridot??🌟

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Star's POV

The others went to the barn to work on the drill. I stayed here to guard the temple. I was on the beach again with my flute practicing. It was something I picked up to pass my free time. I was playing Senbonzakura as I enjoyed the tune.
I closed my eye as the tune I played drifted through the air and I was completely focused but relaxed at the same time.
What I didn't notice was that the other gems and Steven came back to check on me and noticed that I was playing. Not until I was done I noticed them. I heard clapping and Steven running towards me.
"Star! That was so cool! Where did you learn how to play that?" Steven shouted.
I jumped a bit from the surprise and almost dropped my flute but didn't. I blushed a dark royal purple and managed to squeak out a reply. "I...I! I...uh... I h..heard I..i...it p..pl...lay..ed a..and I..I t..took I...inter...est... t..to I..it.. I w..was a..als..so t..taught b..by h..her." "Who?" Steven asked, tilting his head like a puppy.
Steven had stars in his eyes and asked me to teach him. I nodded and told him, I could help him learn it.
We went back inside and I helped make Steven dinner with Pearl. I set it on the table for Steven and went back to my room to put away my flute.
Time Skip- Next Day
We all went to the barn the next day and I mostly helped melt some of the metal for Pearl and Peridot.
I also brought my flute along to teach Steven the song.
So afterwards, when we were taking a break, Steven and I sat on the grass and I taught him how to play the song chord by chord. He got some of the songs so far and I played along with him on my flute.
After that, he taught me something that he was working on and it was really pretty. I learned the harmonics to play on my flute really quick and I played in harmony with Steven.
Peridot came over to say why we weren't working on the drill. I tuned it out until I heard Steven say that he wanted me to play as well. I knew what he was talking about so I waited for his count.
We played in harmony as Steven added words and lyrics to it while Peridot added inputs into it.
We practiced it over the next few weeks while we worked on the drill and it was completed after that time.
Peridot then realized we needed coordinations to properly drill.
So we got lion to transport us to the moon and Peridot and I were both in lion's mane. I was really uncomfortable since of reasons and didn't talk at all until I knew we had gotten to the moon.
Steven bounced around until he hit the wall. He looked up and stared at the weird drawings. "Who is that?" He asked, pointing to the blue mural. Then Peri went on and on about Yellow Diamond

          I was really uncomfortable and started shaking a bit until stairs appeared and we went upwards

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  I was really uncomfortable and started shaking a bit until stairs appeared and we went upwards.
We made it up to the panel and didn't know how to activate it until Steven put his hand onto one of those handprint scanners.
Peridot sat on the chair with him and controlled it until we got the information we needed. Steven asked if there were any games on it but of course there wouldn't have been.
Peridot pulled up the plans for Earth and every Crystal Gem, including me, stared at the mass destruction that it would have done to the Earth that we protected.
Garnet broke the panel and we went back down to where Lion laid. The two, Peridot and Steven came down a bit after us.
Time Skip
Steven ran out to us from the barn holding a diamond shaped panel and said that Peridot was trying to contact HomeWorld again.
We then heard the horn for the truck in the barn honking and then a large bang from the same area.
Peridot escaped with a robot and grabbed the communicator and then it was a chase for the diamond shaped object.
Peridot won in the end and contacted Yellow Diamond. We all held our breaths and watched as she talked to the world destroyer.
In the end, Peridot called Yellow diamond a Clod and now she was a official Crystal Gem.
The rest celebrated and I stood off to the side, uncomfortable with another Peridot in the group.
Peridot then told us that the Diamond Communicator would self-destruct and then the object was then bubbled and tossed away where it exploded.
After about 10 seconds,  everyone was celebrating again and I walked to the grass field again to relax while playing my flute.

ENDED BOOK. PLEASE READ THE OTHER BOOK.Where stories live. Discover now