🌟THE CLU- Malachite?🌟

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Star's POV
          The Earth started shaking like it was a major earthquake. Steven was taking a nap beforehand and woke up in a jolt and started panting.
          Peridot started panicking that the Cluster was activating since of the major earthquake until Steven shouted that it was Malachite.
          He explained how he was in a watermelon Steven and they had a town on an island and how Malachite was there. Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst went to confine Malachite and get Lapis and Jasper to separate.
          Now it was just Peridot, Steven and I at the barn with the drill. I went out to sit in the grass again and humming Me and Starry's fusion song. It made memories resurface and I smiled at them but then frowned at the realization that she wasn't with me now.
          Another rumble went across the ground, which snapped me out of my trance, and made me jolt, but then I realized that it was most likely just the others most likely fighting Malachite.
          More and more the ground shook and then it stopped for a small bit. Then an even larger, if that was even possible, earthquake came up. I saw Steven and Peridot rush to the drill.
          I made no move to go with them, even when Steven looked at me pleadingly. They left and drilled down. I walked back to the warp pad and went to go grab my flute.
          Sooner or later, I sat back at the grass and started playing another song that mostly represented my feelings that I heard before.
          I heard that it came from a human movie called the Titanic and how it was a tragic story.

Time Skip

          I stopped playing at this point and was just relaxing and thinking at that point. All of my thoughts running through my head came to a stop when the drill came back up to the surface and the other gems came back to the barn.
          Garnet held Lapis in a bridal hold with the other two behind them. Steven and Peridot came out of the drill all happy and excited.
          I knew that they definitely stopped the Cluster since all the shaking had gone down and it had been quiet for a long while.
          I walked to where the others were and Steven started talking about how they saved the cluster along with being worried for Lapis. I gave a quick glance at Peridot, who was also giving details about the journey down to the Cluster.
          Everyone was talking about the adventure they all went on and I sat there and listened to the stories that I liked to hear every once in a while. It was calming to have everyone in the same place and just hang out.
          I remember that Peridot asked why I didn't talk to her and always ignored her to Garnet. Garnet didn't say much but she did tell her that there was a certain reason why I could barely be around her.
          The calmness and happiness that was floating through the air was peaceful and it felt like everything was going to be alright for a while. But we all knew, it was just the calm before the storm.

ENDED BOOK. PLEASE READ THE OTHER BOOK.Where stories live. Discover now