⭐️⭐️⭐️Side Story⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Nobody's POV-

Star stared at the red gem in her hand. She walked over to the warp pad and warped to a certain place. It was the war zone.
          The warriors had a small container of Diamond healing energy. The other three, of course. She wanted to heal her friend but Pink Diamond wasn't in the mix, the corrupted gem wouldn't heal.
          Now she found out that Rose was Pink Diamond, she could go to Roses fountain! She picked up a bottle that was almost empty and walked back towards the warp bad. She then warped to the place where she would see her friend again.
Star finally arrived and opened her necklace and took out the gem. She dumped the little bit of Diamond liquid into Roses fountain. It barley had any color but she thought it might work. She placed the Ruby in the water and waited. "This is for you... Scarlet...." Star Whispered.
Star has been here for an hour and she was about to give up and grab the gem so she could go home until she saw it... a Red glow.. a formation of her corruption showed and Star got scared until... her form was back and the liquid color had faded after the formation of Star Ruby.
Star Ruby was a little bigger than other Rubies and different. She could choose her own own outfit which after meeting Star, she took a bit of her outfit design.
Ruby fell on the water and Star pulled her out.
"S...carlet..." Star stuttered, while uncovering her eye. "Star?" She looked at her and tackled her into a hug.
"I missed you.. so much!" Scarlet cried while hugging Sapphire. And suddenly... a glow..

??? POV-

I- We? hugged myself and open my? Our? Two- Three? Eyes. I- I mean We looked down and... we fused

Suddenly, the warp bad glowed and Pearl was there and she gasped and ran over to us holding a spear at our face

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Suddenly, the warp bad glowed and Pearl was there and she gasped and ran over to us holding a spear at our face. "Who are you?!" She yelled. Brown Garnet panicked. "Don't hurt her! Don't hurt.. me?" I said, confused. A light engulfed us again and we unfused.

Time Skip.

Nobody's POV-
"Hey guys...."Star warped back with Pearl. All the crystal gems gasped. "Who is that!" Peridot Screeched. "Guys.. this is my friend....

Scarlet... The Star Ruby."

ENDED BOOK. PLEASE READ THE OTHER BOOK.Where stories live. Discover now