🌟Secrets Are Meant To Be Kept🌟

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Star's POV
          I sat down on the couch with Garnet as Amethyst  and Pearl was sitting on the kitchen stools.
          Pearl's gem suddenly glowed and Steven came out of it. He whispered something that changed my life.

"Mom... was Pink Diamond."

          We were all shocked and Pearl said that she could finally tell us now that Steven knew.
Garnet stood up and tried to keep it together, but no avail.
          She split apart into Ruby and Sapphire and they started arguing.
          I thought everything was a lie now too. Rose, no, Pink Diamond, lied to us. She made us think that we felt safe. I had a million thoughts running through my mind as I started panicking that the entire life I lived with 'Roses was a lie.
          Sapphire froze the floor in the moment and when I started panicking, my purple ice surrounded my ombre dress.
          I didn't know what to think or what to even say anymore. Anxiety filling me to the brim made me want to cry, scream, and many more.
          Sapphire ran towards me and held my gloved hand as we made our way to the warp pad.
           I was almost still frozen still and then as we warped, I came out of my trance. We warped to Rose's fountain and with how upset we both were, the place was filled with snow and ice quickly.
          Clear blue and an ombre purple saw all over the place and Sapphire and I were then right by the fountain edge.
          We sat there, Sapphire crying her pain while I was internally panicking still. A panic attack was coming up as all my pain I pushed back so no one could see me breaking.
           I almost covered myself in an ice dome and I went into a panic attack. I never thought that me pushing my pain back would cause me breaking.
          Almost no one could stop it but then I heard a shout of my name. Before, my mind was basically fogged with negative thoughts.
I calmed down a tiny bit and my dome lowered little by little.
          Then my snow stopped and my ice stopped spreading. My eye was still covered by my hair and I could slowly hear what the others were shouting now.
          I finally calmed down and everyone who was there was worried. I didn't want to talk about it so Steven and Pearl decided to share the story of what actually happened during the war, beginning to end.

Time Skip
          I didn't know that that was what happened. My hand had reached up to underneath my clothes, pulling out Starry's Gem in the necklace.
          Sapphire was shocked that I decided to pull out what was most dear to me and finally tell them.
          I took a shaky breath and told those who didn't know about Starry about our past and who she was.
          I didn't want the pity since it made me feel smaller than I already was. Sapphire then remembered Ruby who was most likely still at the house.
          We rushed towards the warp pad and warped back to the temple. Sapphire called out Ruby's name and saw that she wasn't here.    
There was a note on the floor and it had Sapphire's name on it.
          She picked it up and pushed the hair out of her face and opened the note and read it.
          She started crying when she read it and Pearl started crying along with her since there was technically no leader without Garnet and Ruby was part of Garnet.
          I went to go comfort them as Steven and Amethyst went to go find Ruby.
Now it was just me in the house with two sobbing messes of gems.

ENDED BOOK. PLEASE READ THE OTHER BOOK.Where stories live. Discover now