Chapter six - a week with 1D

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sorry its been so long I have no idea what to write next,ideas anyone? and no Rosie you cannot make out with Louis yet!

sincerely yours (being very posh)

Frey Frey

1 week later...

who would of thought that I would be spending a whole week with one direction! iI am one of the youngest but in theory this past week I have felt like the oldest. This is all due to the boys - it has been endless Disney films and pure nonsense. we are all quite good friends and now that 1d have gotten closer to me they have learnt that I am about as wacky as them and same with my friends who have been skypeing me or should I say one of the boys practically twice a day! we were now sitting on the couch watching toy story three - liam's request and it is pretty late at night.

"uhhh... guys I think I will go to bed it is getting pretty late," I say with a yawn

" I uhhh... will come too," niall says while getting off the beanbag he was lounging on. I don't know what is up with niall he seems to want to do whatever I want to do, it's kind of cute!

I started walking up the stairs to the spare bedroom in the house that the boys were staying at while they were on their 2 week holiday. this was the second time I was staying here in the week so I knew what to do. I was just settled in bed when I heard an Irish accent speaking,

" uh sorry to bother you freya," he seemed nervous, but why?

Niall's P.O.V

I was really nervous I had never done this before it had kind of happened differently every other time there was a similar situation so I was nervous for what she was going to say, I loved her - I know it was rashional when I had only met her a week ago but I was sure of my decision.

" uhhhh... sorry to bother you freya," oh yeah smooth way to start buddy.

" uhh so I was wondering if you kind of like to go out on a date with me tomorrow night," wow that last part came out really fast.

Freya's P.O.V

Wow a boy has never asked me out before usually I am pushed into blind dates by my friends because I am trying hard to better my dance career so I have not really had much time to properly date. But how could I say no I was falling fast for this boy and am overjoyed as he asked me out.

" I would absolutely love to," was my reply.

Niall's P.O.V

oh my gosh! she said yes! ok niall sound smooth with this next part.

"ok then I will pick you up from your house at 7pm and we will go from there!" with that I walked out into the door closing the spare room's door behind me.

"YES!" I whisper to myself.

Freya's P.O.V

"YES!" I exclaim under my breath.


The next day


" uh hey mum niall kind of asked me out on a date so I won't be here after 7pm, ok?"

" that's great honey but i'm not surprised,"

" WHAT? how could you not be surprised!"

" I've seen the way you smile at his txts you guys were meant for eachother !"

"awww thanks mum!" I say going bright red in the cheeks.

" now off you go, you have a date to go on!" I smile ,mum always knows the best thing to say.



so next chapter is the preparation before the date and the actual date so should be a long one!

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