30 minutes after
I had never heard so many sounds all at once. Ear retching screams filled the air along with the fire of bullets that came immediately after. The intercom played Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People on repeat for at least six times. The last sound I heard, surprisingly enough was the pounding of my fearful heart, fearful that I had to die HERE of all places, the unsanitary boys bathroom. Fearful that I would die a life full of regrets, not being able to to do those things I regretted not doing. But then again, doesn't everyone who thinks they are about to die wish they could do the same thing?
The scariest part was, the screams had stopped, and that only meant one thing.... everyone in the gym and hallway was dead. They had finished their hunt in this area, at least the ones assigned for the gym. Who knew where all of them were scattered around campus.
I heard the soft footsteps of boots pass the bathroom. No, they were weren't stupid enough to miss checking the bathroom were they? I listened intently for the footsteps to tread back by closing my eyes lightly. Nothing. I slowly let out the breath I was holding this whole time. I was curled up on the toilet, keeping my feet tucked underneath me. I doubted that if they checked the bathrooms they would check every stall, not just a quick glance at the feet, but there was no where to go.
I slowly untucked my feet from underneath me, about to touch the floor until I heard the door swing open. I immediately drew my feet back up. I heard a gasp from what sounded like a girl from one of the stalls at the entrance to the bathroom. There was someone with me this whole time and I didn't even know it. "Surprise! You thought I wasn't going to check here did ya? My boss told me this is the number one hiding place." I heard a whimper from the same girl. I would have told her to be quiet in my head, but she was a goner. He knew exactly what stall she was in. I didn't. "Aww, you're trying to be sneaky aren't you? If your'e on the list I'll have to shoot you, but if not, then I might just spare your life. And.. if you are on the list, we go in order. In other words, we kill the least important first, and save the most killed last." The boy cackled with his hoarse voice. The girl whimpered more not able to contain herself anymore. I covered up my ears. His voice alone was terrifying. I closed my eyes shut and held my feet tightly. Maybe he only knew of her in the stalls. "Let's play a game. I open each stall and you scream louder and louder until I find you. I mean, I already know where you are so ya might as well play along!" He cackled again. I couldn't block out his voice. That was not the last voice I wanted to hear before I died. Again, she whimpered. "SCREAM I SAID!" And she did. Either out of fright for him yelling, or that she was about to meet death. Most likely both.
He laughed "There that wasn't so hard was it?" Why did he have to do this? It was already torture having us hunted down like animals. He swung he first door open. She screamed. "Okay, not here... what about HERE?" He swung it so hard it hit the wall of the stalls, vibrating and shaking the rest of them, including mine, the very last stall. She screamed even louder than before. "Alright what about... THIS ONE?" That was the stall she was in because her scream was the loudest and longest compared to the past two. I covered my hears tighter but I couldn't block out a single damn thing. "THERE YOU ARE!" He said with excitement. "Please! I'm not on the list I swear!" She said choking on her tears. "Oh... darling I was just joking about that, everyone has to die. If you're not on the list, you could be a witness and tell the cops." I heard him mutter something to her. I uncovered my ears just to be able to hear what, but he was too quiet. She gasped. "So, if you're not on the list then I guess this is goodbye." "Wait! I'm on it! I'm in the top 10!" "Are you now? What's your name?" "K...Kylie Scott." She was lying. Wait a minute, that voice sounded familiar. How have I not thought of her before? That voice belonged to Chloe Marks. The rich and popular cheerleader and girlfriend of Jowen Hendrix. "Nice try, but I know exactly who you are. You're right. You are in the top 10, but you're Chloe Marks. The second most wanted on our list. Ya know? I said we wait to kill our top victims, but you lied to my face. How DARE you?" He practically screamed just as loud as she did. "I'm sorry but I can't wait. I have to cross you off. Sorry." I covered my ears again. I knew what was coming. "NO NO! PLEASE I'LL DO ANY..." She couldn't finish as I heard bullets ripping at her flesh, cutting her off. The bullets fired again and again. She's already dead what was he doing?
My hands began to hurt from clutching my ears so tightly to block out the sound of death. After a good 10 seconds, he stopped. I uncovered my ears. Thinking he was going to leave I put my feet down again until I stepped in something wet. The sound had made the tiniest splish splash sound. I looked down at my feet to see I had stepped in red liquid. Her blood had made it all the way to the end of the stalls. From the hallway I heard his foot steps freeze and he immediately opened the door again. Why did I have to be so stupid? I should have waited I was never this stupid. "Well it seems someone has witnessed my little conversation with Chloe haven't they?" I picked my feet back up, knowing it would still do nothing. "Would ya like to play the same game as I just did with dead Chloe?" Nope. No thanks. I didn't say a damn word. "Okay, well if that's how it's gonna be..." He swung the fourth stall, right after Chloe's. Then the next. This is it. This was really it. My eyes were wide open as I stared at the stall door waiting for it to swing open. And then he did. Travis grinned holding an automatic rifle pointing it straight in the middle of my head. "Hello Atlas."

Save Our Sorry Selves
Mystery / ThrillerSecretly depressed and tired, Atlas just wants to pass her mile run. But her whole world changes when a folded piece of lined paper falls on the floor. It's a list, but not any list. A hit list. She doesn't know where she is on it, except that she...