Spencer, for as long as I knew, I had hated you from the very start. I hated the way you became valedictorian before me. How you got a better scores only by one number up. My parents always said you were the golden boy.
You always had my blood boiling.
I can feel you starring at me during class.
"Look away"I mouth.
You smirked,"I rather not."You always believed me.
" Is it true you stole Ms.Green's diary?" the professor asked.
You looked at me confused, without saying a word but knowing your asking "how did you ended up like this".
I rolled my eyes at you and truthfully told the professor, " I did not sir."
" I'm sorry, but you'll have to come tomorrow after school to clean up my room as punishment."
I nodded and left. But the next day there wasn't any punishment.
" Oh Spencer didn't tell you?"
" Tell me what?"
" He found the book for you. What a charming man. Your excused for today."
I was shocked you would do something so nice and not say anything.
You protected me.
During chemistry, I would often forgot to put on gloves and every time before I would touch my bare hands on the boiling mug, you would reach out and pull my hands away.
I always hated you. I always rolled my eyes at you even when you had done something nice. I thought there had to be a catch but there wasn't.
Last time we spoke, you kissed me, told me I was the person keeping you sane; a breath from your sins and you were so relieved.
You told me you were in love with me and you meant it all.
I couldn't process it at the time what you had told me.
But I'm happy you told me, I still think about it a lot.
And I wish I told you back then but... I loved you more...