violent meltdowns | part two

785 17 1

words: 4126
warning: angst. blood / descriptive death,,,, very very descriptive. i'm in a bad mood :)


your muscles tensed upon looking at the high school in front of you, watching as a crowd of teenagers squeezed themselves through a single door. uneasiness weighed like an elephant on your chest, begging for you to turn around towards your car and leave. you almost caved, debating the decision internally as you rocked back and forth on your heels. it wasn't smart for you to be there, you knew.

a vibration shook you from your trance, coming from your phone. you pulled it from your back pocket, watching derek's contact flash on the screen. it wasn't the first time he'd called, since you hadn't shown up that morning to his place, and it wouldn't be the last. he hated texting. you pressed decline and pushed the device into your pocket again.

each step towards the school was more painful than the last, a pressure wrapping around your body creating an uncomfortable warmth. it was suffocation. as you slipped past the door you broke through the threshold to a strict atmosphere, your shoulders bunching up, level with your neck.

you were convinced your rapid heartbeat could be heard by the students passing by, giving estranged looks when bouncing off the force of your unwavering arms. you kept your head down as you followed the route to your locker that had been ingrained into your memory since the first week. on the way, you picked up a far away voice in the middle of a conversation.

"have you seen her?" isaac asked, annoyance apparent in his voice. it was almost strained, as if it hurt him to ask.

"no," someone else, stiles, admitted. he was out of breath. "no, i haven't. keep the claws away, yeah? you're on camera, have a bit of class." his backpack rustled. "you wanna find y/n? use those precious abilities you risked your lives for. smell, sight, all that. you're a werewolf. maybe act like it."

erica scoffed.

"what's the big deal, anyway?" he continued. "i think if she's going this far out of her way, maybe leave her alone! maybe she's finally realizing how so-not-cool it is to be apart of a murderous alpha fanclub."

you shook your head, rounding the corner and letting their voices fade amongst the chatter that filled the halls. it didn't make you feel any better. as you approached your locker and opened it, you pushed your head into the compartment and breathed deeply, closing your eyes. you focused on your breaths, drowning all other sounds out to calm yourself, even just for a few seconds would be a success.

swallowing, you shrugged your backpack off and let it fall to the tips of your fingers, barely holding on. you traded in your books and folders for the ones belonging to a different class, before zipping it back up.

the warning bell rang, introducing the time crunch you had to get to your first period. the presence of students around you became less and less, locker doors slamming and footsteps departing into classrooms.

your lifted your head, letting gaze wandered down the hall, and your eyes were drawn to a locker that was covered in papers from top to bottom. most of them were folded hearts and sticky notes filled with pen writings. there were flowers thrown together at the bottom. white lilies, for innocence. pink carnations, for remembrance. red roses, for love and respect.

you were snapped from your thoughts as hands grasped at your biceps in an attempt to tug you forward, down to the ground. there was no one there, but you could still feel as their nails dug into your skin and dragged, pulling you close as if to keep the two of you together. you screwed your eyes shut. your grip on your locker tightened and your knuckles turned white whilst your other hand dropped your backpack. knees becoming week, you slapped your hand flat against the blue metal next to you to keep yourself steady. your once deep breaths turned into growls, becoming more animalistic and vile.

mischief ; teen wolf imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now