I Can't Believe You

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"What do you mean?" Jane snapped.

Ayna sighed. "I mean Owen and I were smoking in the bathroom when Johnny and Psycho Drake came in and they had some coke. We we're pretty high and one of them lit the trash can on fire. If I was thinking clearly I would have thrown water on it, but Drake kicked it out the door and into another room which happened to be the Library. The Librarian was on lunch and by time she got back half the bookshelves went up in flames. We ran out. When the police came Drake threatened me, but Owen stood up for me and told the cops what happened himself, he left out the coke part and just said we were smoking."

"What were you doing with Owen?" Holly J asked as nicely as she could.

"You did coke?!" Jane yelled in shock.

"Drake should have went to prison." Mia said crossing her arms over her chest and clenching her jaw in rage.

Ayna huffed. "First of all, I am dating Owen and you can all keep whatever judgemental comments you are thinking to yourself. Second, yes I did, and before you blame Owen he has never touched the stuff and he doesn't like that I do. Third, Drake was arrested but he made bail and-" Anya sighed. "I'm really sorry about J.T."

Mia frowned. "It's not your fault, but thanks. So, you still do coke?"

Ayna bit her lip. "Sometimes. I'm trying to quit because if I don't Owen will probably break up with me and as surprising at it seems.. I love him."

"If you would like to join a group for young people with the same problems I can give you some information. If not, you can always talk about it here with your friends. This is a safe space." The therapist said softly.

Ayna shrugged. "I didn't think doing it once would become a problem, but I just kept doing it. I even found other people who do it just so I could get more." She sighed. "I blew off a study date with Owen last night because there was this party and I knew the guy there would have some." She pushed her hair back and let a tear slip out of her eye and roll down her cheek. "I-I cheated on Owen just to get some. The guy said he would give me a bag if I did him a favor." She bit her lip hard. "I didn't know the favor would be sexual until I was alone in the back room with him and I should have said no and left, but I didn't. I wanted it so bad that I was willing-" She let more tears fall and sniffed.

Jane, being the closest, put her arm around Ayna to comfort her.

"I cheated on my boyfriend." Ayna cried. "Owen is gonna dump me."

Mia reached over Jane's lap to run Ayna's leg and try to comfort her.

Holly J wanted to be supportive and comfort her friend too, but all she could think about was how she did say no and it didn't seem to matter.

"If you talk to your boyfriend, explain that you made a mistake, that it wasn't about the other guy and it was only about the drug, he may surprise you and understand. I'm not saying blame your addiction for your actions, but let this Owen fellow know how much you care about him and that you are going to get the help you need. Ask him if he can forgive your mistake and if he could support you through your journey to recovery."

Ayna sniffed. "No offense, but that sounds like bull. Owen wouldn't understand that I cheated. Addiction or not. He is going to get pissed and dump me. I know him. He'll hate me."

"Talking can do a lot of good." She gave them a smile. "That's what I'll leave you with for this session. We'll schedule another session Wednesday."

Holly J was the first to get up and walk out even though she was the furthest one from the door. She moved around the back of the couch to leave the room before her friends could catch up to her. She had a lot on her mind and most of it she didn't want to think about. She still wanted to kill herself, one session with a therapist was not going to change that. The only thing standing in her way was her friends, which meant she had to ditch them, get them to stop caring about her. If she could make them hate her again, then they wouldn't be around to stop her from taking her own life. She smiled to herself as she thought of the perfect way to cause them to hate her.

She knew she had his number in her phone somewhere. She used to have everyone's numbers from Lakehurst. Part of being the most popular girl in school. Texting was the easiest way to spread gossip and she had some new gossip to spread. Gossip that would cause enough trouble to piss her friends off just long enough that she could end her life without them trying to save her or whatever Mia kept trying to do everytime she attempted.

Sorry to hear about you and Ayna

We're together. Get over it Holly J.

No lol I meant her cheating on you.

The hell are you talking about?

Oh sorry, I thought she already told you. She just told me all about it. How this guy offered her coke for a "sexual favor" and she jumped at the chance to get her hands on the "good stuff"

No. She didn't tell me. Thanks.

No problem. I would hate for her new guy to be kept in the dark about her unfortunate life choices. It's a real shame. I thought you two would last.

Yeah well We're done.

Holly J smiled at her phone then she turned around to see her friends, soon to be ex-friends again, walking out of the building together. "So are we."

"Holly J, you rushed out so fast. You okay?" Mia asked walking over to her.

Ayna's phone went off and she broke away from Jane to answer it. "Hey ba- What? No I- Where did you hear- Owen, listen I made a mistake! Owen! Please stop yelling! I love you! Just-"

Mia and Jane watched as Ayna yelled into the phone, then she hung up her phone and charged at Holly J in a rage so they quickly rushed over to help.

"How could you?! Why would you?!"

"Ayna! Hey!" Mia stood in front of Holly J to protect her. "Ayna, calm d-"

Jane was holding Ayna back.

"She told Owen I cheated on him!" Ayna yelled over Jane's arms. "Why would you tell him that?! I was going to try to calmly talk to him! How could you?! You are the same Holly J you have always been! I'm done with you!" Ayna shouted in anger. "Done!"

Mia turned to face Holly J. "Why would you tell Owen Ayna cheated?"

Holly J put on her old bitchy smirk. "Well, I knew she wasn't going to and Owen deserved to know about it."

"Yes, I was going to! I can't believe you told him!" Ayna stormed off. Jane glared at Holly J then she went after Ayna to try and calm her down.

Mia stared at Holly J in disbelief. "I can't believe you would do that either, after all that talk in their about regretting how you use to treat us you come out acting exactly like the old Holly J! Doing something so cruel that only-" Mia stopped mid-sentence. She looked at Holly J, past the evil smirk, into her eyes. "It's not gonna work." She said making Holly J's face falter.

"What? What are you talking about?"

Mia sighed. "Making us angry with you so we won't care if you try to kill yourself. It's not gonna work, Holly J."

Holly J gulped. "How did you-"

"Because your Holly J." Mia gave her a small smile. "Telling your best friend's guy anything before she does is social suicide." A Holly J original quote."

Holly J frowned.

"You thought we would hate you enough to let you die just because you did something bitchy?" Mia chuckled. "Holly J, you have already done a lot of bitchy things and we're still here. This plan was stupid and now you have to fix it. Tell Owen the truth."

Holly J took a deep breath. "It wasn't well thought out, but I thought by time you figured out what I was doing I would be dead. I didn't think you would figure it out in a few seconds."

"Well, I know you. Now fix it."

"But how do I fix it? She did cheat and now he knows about it?"

Mia sucked in a breath and thought for a minute. "I have an idea. Let's go."

"Go where?"

Mia grabbed her wrist and drug her along with her. "Come on, Holly J."

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