Public Bullet

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The last bell rang and Holly J didn't move from her seat, after she was able to stop crying she spent the rest of the day walking around in a daze from class to class.

Mia grabbed her bag and fixed it on her shoulder. Darcy and Manny were waiting at the door, but when she saw that Holly J wasn't moving she waved them to go without her.

Manny and Darcy sighed and walked away.

"Is she cookoo bananas? That girl is a demon."

Darcy gave Manny a look. "She's not a demon. Plus she was really crying earlier so maybe something is going on." Darcy shrugged. "They did used to be friends. I mean if you and Emma stopped being friends wouldn't you still care about her?" She asked.

Manny sighed. "That's not fair. Emma is an angel compared to that girl, and we have been friends since we were kids."

"Maybe they have too." She shrugged again.

Mia sat down at the desk in front of Holly J and turned to face her. "Hey, if you want I'll take the public bullet." She said touching her hand.

Holly J looked up from the spot on the desk she was staring at. "You would do that for me? B-But why? I have been so awful to you."

Mia nodded. "Yes, you have, but I forgive you for all of that Holly J."

"How? I shunned you. I shamed you. I mocked you. I was horrible."

Mia licked her lips. "I am not shamed and I'm over being shunned, so if you just stop mocking me then I think we can get along again." She gave her a small smile. "We've been friends since the fourth grade, so what if we had a rough patch?"

Holly J shook her head. "You call four years of making you feel awful a rough patch?"

Mia shrugged. "I call it the past. If you can try to be different then we can try to move forward."

Holly J sighed then she gave her a small smile. "I can try, but I can't promise anything."

Mia nodded. "I know. I don't expect you too." She stood and held out her hand. "Come on, I'll take the bullet, but you have to be the one to take the test." She reasoned.

Holly J took her hand and stood up. "I know. Thank you, Mia." She smiled.

"No problem."

They walked out of the classroom and down the hall. They saw Jane and a guy that made Holly J freeze. Mia knew it was him, she glared at them, she wanted to walk over and kick him where the sun doesn't shine, but she didn't want to make a scene. She saw him look from Jane to Holly J and smirk so she took Holly J's arm and led her away.

They walked down the street to the drug store and Mia went inside.

Holly J was waiting for her, but she saw girls from Degrassi and hid in an alleyway. "Shoot."

Mia was at the counter, paying and ignoring judgmental looks, when they walked up to her.


She turned around and saw Emma, Manny, and Darcy staring at her.

Manny looked around her and saw what the lady was putting in the bag. "Are you pregnant again?" She asked with her jaw slack.

Mia gulped. "Well I won't know until I take this, excuse me." She grabbed the bag and pushed past them and out the door.

They turned and watched her rush out the door.

"Wow. Looks like we need another girl for power squad." Darcy stated.

Emma just frowned. "Or she was covering for someone else." She said observing Mia looking around outside. "I'll catch up with you guys later." She said and walked out the door to find Mia.

"So much for doing our nails and watching chick flicks." Manny griped.

Darcy shrugged. "Well we can't do it without her."

Manny sighed. "Nope. Let's go practice our cheers at your place."

Darcy shrugged and they walked out. They didn't see Mia or even Emma so they turned and walked the other way to Darcy's.

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