Waiting For Her To Wake Up

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Holly J blinked her eyes open, a small smile gracing her face when she saw her old friends instead of Declan.

"Holly J?" Mia touched her arm. "Are you awake? Are you okay?"

Holly J let out a little groan and tried to sit up, but Jane gently pushed her back down against the concrete.

"Don't move. You probably hit your head. An ambulance is on the way."

She blinked and looked over at Ayna's worried expression. "I'm sorry."

"I know. It's okay. Owen and I will work it out, don't worry about it."

She smiled as her eyes fluttered closed again and her head fell to the side.

"Holly J?" Mia shook her arm gently. "She's unconscious again!"

"But she was just awake! What happened?!" Jane yelled confused.

"I hear sirens!" Ayna yelled.

"Holly J?.. Holly J, come back.." Mia started crying. "I can't lose anyone else. Please Holly J! Please!"

The paramedics rushed over so Jane led Mia away from Holly J. Mia cried in Jane's arms. She wasn't there when JT died, she didn't get to say goodbye or hold him or give him one last kiss. She didn't think Holly J was die, but the thought of losing someone else was pounding in her head playing tricks on her mind and making her think that Holly J may not survive.

The paramedics placed her head between foam to hold it steady and placed her on a gurney to take her to the closest hospital to be looked over.

"She was awake, but she blacked out again." Ayna told them paramedics.

"It could just be a concussion. You say she fainted on the sidewalk, any reason or medical condition?" A female paramedic asked them.

Ayna sighed. "We think it was a panic attack. She saw something and got scared and then she fainted."

The male paramedic nodded. "I see. Definitely a possible concussion."

"Would one of you like to come along?" The female paramedic asked.

Ayna and Jane traded looks, then Jane pushed Mia toward the ambulance.

"What? Me?"

"We'll be there soon! Go!" Jane said.

Mia nodded and got into the back of the ambulance taking Holly J's hand.

Jane and Ayna watched them leave then they looked for a ride to the hospital, luckily Owen was nearby.

"What happened?!" He yelled rushing over to them. "Someone get hurt at the gym? Ayna, are you okay?"

Hearing her boyfriend, or well her ex-boyfriend's concern made her throw her arms around him. He held her close to comfort her. "What happened?" He asked over her shoulder to Jane who stood in shock.

"It's Holly J. Declan tried to talk to her and she got scared then she fainted and we think she hit her head on the sidewalk. She woke up, but then-"

"Come on. I'll give you a ride." He cut her off. He walked slowly to his car with his arms around Ayna.

"Thanks Owen." Ayna said in a small voice as he opened the door for her.

"So, Declan's the guy who- I wasn't sure about the rumors. There's too many to keep up with them all."

Ayna nodded. "Yeah."

Jane looked disgusted. "Yes, it was Declan. He had the nerve to walk up to her and say he loved her and missed her." She scoffed in disgust.

Owen got in the driver's seat as Jane got in the back. "Something should be done about that guy. If they know it's him then he shouldn't be allowed at Degrassi." He gripped his hands tightly on the steering wheel.

Jane scoffed. "They don't have enough evidence and without a trial he is free to go to Degrassi, but he is supposed to stay away from Holly J." She huffed.

"Just because he's allowed to be there doesn't mean he's allowed to feel welcome." Owen snapped. "If I get my hands on him he'll pray for another beating from Sav." He smacked his hand off his steering wheel. "If there is one thing I hate it's guys like that."

Ayna rubbed his arm to calm him down and he spared her a smile.

"Don't get suspension over it though."

Owen looked at Jane in the rearview mirror. "Yeah, I know. Well, uh, I got to get home. I'll let you guys out up there and you can find your friend."

He pulled over to the curb and they got out, but Ayna turned to window. "Can I text you? Uh, about Holly J."

Owen took a deep breath. "Yeah. Let me know how she's doing." He looked over at her. "And how you're doing."

Ayna gave him a small smile, then she backed away from his car so he could leave. She turned to Jane and sighed. "Let's try to find Mia." She said.

Jane nodded.

They walked through the hospital doors. The bustle of busy doctors and nurses was a bit overwhelming so instead of asking they just looked around until they spotted Mia in a chair by a noisy vending machine.

"Mia? Is she okay?" Jane asked.

Mia looked up at them and shrugged. They sat down beside her so she turned to face them. "I don't know. She is still unconscious and they haven't told me anything since we got here. I think the doctors are waiting for her to wake up to run some tests."

Jane frowned and put her arm around Mia to comfort her. Ayna reached across Jane to hold Mia's hand.

"Hey, this isn't like J.T., okay? She'll wake up." Jane tried. "I'm sorry about J.T., but Holly J just hit her head. She'll be fine. You don't have to worry."

Mia sniffed. "It's just.. It's moments like these when I need JT and I wish he was here." She cried. "I miss him so much. If he was here he would make everything better just by smiling."

Someone smiled at Mia and her friends then he walked down the hall until he found Holly J's hospital room.

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