19 - The Raid (Part 2)

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After the raid, the criminals successfully seized the cash that Daniel Tate had in his possession. Unfortunately for Tate, he will serve life in prison for attempted treason. President Haynes reviewed Kassandra's surveillance, and it proved that he was corrupt. However, in a few of the videos, Tate can be seen with Karla Martins multiple times. Because of that, she is sitting in Haynes's office.

"If you knew he was corrupt, then why did you side with him for six years?" Haynes asked.

"Sir, you have to believe me. I knew he was corrupt, but I swear I've never seen him do any of those things that you saw on the videos."

"The videos do not have audio. That means that you can be lying, and you knew about what he does this whole time."

"Okay, I'll admit, when I first met him, he seemed promising, okay? He said he would help me find Juliette. Yeah, I was suspicious when he handed me loads of money to look presentable to enter that weird, preppy casino. But sir, I promise I'm not lying."

"43 of our officer's lives were taken yesterday. And Tate was behind it."

"Yes sir, Tate was. I had no idea he was planning something like that! If I knew, I would be there. But I was home."

"I'm sorry, Karla, but you have assisted this traitor for long enough. I think it's time to let you go."

Karla stood up with teary eyes and began shouting. "Please, President Haynes. I only trusted him and worked with him for so long, because for God's sake, I just want to find my daughter! That's why I joined the force. That's why I've been loyal to you, Tate, and everyone else. That's the only reason why I'm here! Please, this job is all I have, and I promise you, I never engaged in any criminal activity with him! I've never done it in my life. I've already had to live with my husband, who did way worse things than Tate did, and God knows if he's still out there or not, but please! You have to understand where I'm coming from..."

Haynes slowly nodded his head. "Very well, Karla. I will let you keep your job under one condition."

"And that is?"

Haynes moved closer to his desk and leaned over it. "You have to use Tate to find whoever the hell recorded these tapes. It was obviously one of the four criminals he brought in the other night responsible for the massacre. Don't worry, Tate will remain behind bars, but you must get answers out of him."

"It's a deal. I'll do it."

Karla was desperate to keep her job, but she had no idea what she was getting herself into.


"Hello, Tate." Karla entered the room alone, where Tate stood behind bars. She wore a microphone so Haynes could hear what they are saying in the room behind her.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want? I'm in jail. I can't help you anymore." Tate responded.

Karla took a seat on a bench. "Oh, but you can."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't need help with finding my daughter. I need you to tell me everything that you know about the four criminals you brought into the NASA building the other night."

"Why should I tell you? I don't have to say anything."

"But you do," Karla grinned and held a needle full of greenish fluid; the same needle that almost met Jax's demise when he was sentenced to death. Lethal injection.

"You're too scared to even use that. Go on, kill me! You won't get your answers."

"Oh, this?" Karla asked. "I'm not going to use this quite yet." She pulled out a powerful taser that could be used from a distance and aimed it at Tate.

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