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A few minutes later Harry and Zayn made their way downstairs to meet Paul and Julian.

Harry: "what do you think were getting in trouble for?"

Zayn: "I honestly don't have a clue, we don't even look at each other around them."

Harry sighed as they stepped into the elevator so Zayn pulled him in and placed a sensitive kiss to the top of his head.

Zayn: "whatever it is, it'll be fine"

When they made their way into the lobby they caught eye of Julian and Paul in toward the front desk, so they followed them into the back office of the hotel.

Zayn: "what in the world is going on?"

Julian: "both of you. sit."

They sat next to each other, making sure to keep their hands to themselves.

Paul: "this is Cody"

They nodded to who seemed to be the hotel manager.

Paul: "he spotted you two, on these cameras last night"

Harry: "how-"

Paul: "save it, I'm not done"

Harry sat back in his chair, already feeling the embarrassment coarse through him.

Paul: "you were on the roof terrace past midnight, doing some things that we don't wanna necessarily watch. We watched the beginning of the camera footage and saw the two of you sucking each other's faces and turned it off because we knew exactly what happened afterwards."

Zayn and Harry had nothing to say.

What could they say?

Julian: "do you two realize how much shit this could put you in? if someone saw you?"

Zayn: "we were careful we jus-"

Julian: "no zayn, you weren't careful because you got caught by the two people you didn't wanna get caught by."

He sat back in his chair, completely overwhelmed that him and Harry had been caught...on tape.

Harry: "just tell us what we've gotta do and we'll do it, or lecture us or whatever...We're not denying it, it was us, but I'm also not gonna regret it, if that's what you want."

Paul: "what about your relationships with Louis and Liam? I'm assuming they have no clue you've been cheating."

Harry winced at that word

Zayn: "we were planning on telling them soon, we just had to figure out what to say and when to say it."

Julian: "let us help, tonight after the show. all seven of us are sitting in our room and you're gonna explain to them exactly what you've been doing. No beating around the bush anymore."

They hung their heads.

Paul: "We don't care that you two are together behind the scenes lads, but before we condone this relationship you've gotta tell Liam and Louis that this is all just publicity because they don't think that."

Harry: "they're gonna hate us"

Julian: "honestly, if I was them, I would too Harry. What you guys have been doing may feel right but it isn't right. Does Niall happen to know?"

Zayn: "we told him about a week ago"

Paul: "and he didn't say anything?!"

Harry: "he's my best mate Paul, he's not gonna run and tell them...but he did give me a deadline of 2 days."

Paul: "well I'm giving you both a deadline of tonight, that's it. This camera footage is being erased and I swear to god if I catch you anywhere public like this again you will not be allowed to associate without some sort of protection from someone, understand?"

Harry: "mhm"

Paul: "go get ready to leave, tell the boy's to be down here in another hour"

Zayn: "mkay"

They walked off to head back upstairs when Harry started sobbing into Zayn's shoulder. Before any fans or press could notice he rushed him into the elevator.

Zayn: "aw baby, listen it's gonna be okay"

Harry: "I feel like all of our privacy was just thrown out the fucking window"

Zayn: "is that why you're upset?"

Harry: "and because Louis and Liam are gonna kill us for lying to them Z"

Zayn: "we were gonna have to face it sooner or later, so let's just get it over with tonight okay?"

Harry took a deep breath as their lips collided in a short kiss that gave Harry butterflies.

Zayn: "I love you bug"

Harry: "love you too"

They pushed the door open to the room and Louis immediately stood up to console Harry who had a tear stained face.

Louis: "oh my word baby, what happened?"

Harry: "just some of the stories people come up with in the press...they're just a load of rubbish"

Louis: "what did they say this time?"

Harry: "I don't wanna talk about it really"

Zayn eyed Niall from across the room and caught his attention, when Niall knew what Zayn wanted he followed him outside the door.

Niall: "so what's going on?"

Zayn: "basically we got scolded because the cameras on the roof terrace caught everything"

Niall: "they caught you guys in the act?"

Zayn: "mhm"

Niall: "they watched it?!"

Zayn: "no, the manager showed them the first part that was just us kissing and they shut it off...but they told us we have to tell them tonight after the gig."

Niall: "that's why haz is upset?"

Zayn: "yeah because he doesn't know how to tell them, quite frankly I don't either, but he's worried."

Niall: "better now than later Z, honestly"

Zayn: "yeah I know, it's gonna feel better once we just get it out but at the same time I don't wanna face the backlash."

Niall: "well nobody does, that's just how it goes ya know"

Zayn: "unfortunately I do"

The next 45 minutes were spent packing and heading down stairs to load into the SUV. Breakfast would be waiting for them at the venue.

Harry was still evidently upset and wanted nothing but Zayn's arms wrapped tightly around him but he had to agree to Louis instead...at least until tonight.

The ride there was silent because nobody knew what was happening. Louis and Liam could sense the hostility but didn't think much of it.

The show was approaching fast and they needed something to lift their spirits.

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