15. Shooky The Cockblocker

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It was currently a Wednesday, and Taehyung had a day off from work. So he decided to spend the day with his beloved Yoongi. Of course the smaller didn't mind. But he was currently in his little studio working so he felt bad that he wasn't giving his boyfriend attention.

Taehyung didn't care, because he wanted to watch Yoongi work his magic. He was always curious about how how Yoongi made his music. It was cute to see his little boyfriend in a zone. It sounded like he was working on a song from scratch right now. But little did he know, it was the song that Yoongi was making about him.

"That sounds really good. Who's this for?" Taehyung asked

Yoongi has to lie of course "Oh... new some girl group that the company asked me to make for their new album"

"ohhh look at you doing big things" Taehyung teases

Eventually it's been 5 hours since Yoongi has been working in his little make shift studio. Taehyung wasn't in there anymore because he got bored and wanted to watch tv in Yoongi's living room. But he became very concerned because Yoongi hasn't taken not one break since he started working.

So Taehyung knocked on Yoongi's studio door and grabbed the elders attention. "Hey... hyung you haven't eaten or taken a break"

"Yeah I know, it's just that i'm trying to find the right string instruments for this track. And then something else was wrong"

Taehyung sighs "Do you usually do this when no ones around? Not give yourself a break? That's unhealthy"

Yoongi just looks up at Taehyung not saying anything. He puffs out his cheeks and nodded his head.

"Yeah... I guess I do get a little crazy sometimes"

"come on, let's order some food and chill" Taehyung holds his hand out "I want to spend time with you"

"Okay okay I'm sorry" Yoongi smiles taking Yoongi's hand letting himself be lead to the living room

Taehyung lays on the couch and Yoongi lays on top of him playing with the taller's fluffy hair. He loves how long Taehyung's hair was getting. He looked hot and adorable like a puppy at the same time.

"honestly you should be a model..."

Taehyung turns his head from the tv "I get that a lot actually. Sometimes entertainment agencies would try to stop me on the street"

"Well have you tried it? You can probably earn a few more bucks" Yoongi said pecking Taehyung's cheek

"I... I have thought of it. But it's not something I really want to do. Like i've told you before, I like photography. So i'd rather be the one taking the pictures instead. Hmmm.... what about you? i've heard you rapping in one of your songs. You should totally be a rapper" Taehyung said running his hands up and down Yoongi's waist

Yoongi chuckles "I've thought about that. But like you... I don't really want to be in the public's eye"

"Yeah... you're for my eyes only" Taehyung whispered and started pecking Yoongi's lips

The wet pecks turned into a full on make out session. Taehyung slips his tongue into Yoongi's mouth exploring every inch. Their hot breathes intermingled, not caring about the saliva going all over the place.

Yoongi let Taehyung dominate as he closed his eyes and felt nothing but light headed from this good feeling through out his body. Taehyung's hand slides down to Yoongi's butt and their crotches slowly start to grind against each other. Yoongi wasn't wearing underwear under his sweatpants, so he was starting to get hornier faster

Taehyung sucks on Yoongi's tongue but before they can start going further, Shooky the cat jumped on the couch stopping the two. Yoongi laughs at his little cock blocker, and gets up from being on top of Taehyung.

"what's wrong boy, you hungry?"

Taehyung groans from being cock blocked but didn't complain. It's not like Yoongi has any condoms or lube for them to continue on. Well... he could've gave a hand-job or even blow job. But he continues to groan even more when he saw his boyfriend leave the couch and go to the kitchen area. He follows Yoongi anyways.

"How'd you get your cat Shooky?" Taehyung asked to distract himself from his boner

Yoongi was pouring cat food into the little cat bowl. "Oh I found him as a little kitten about a year ago, back in my old neighborhood"

"awww he was a stray?" Taehyung pouts at the sad thought of a baby kitten not having his mom

"Yeah..." Yoongi said as he filled up the cats water bowl now "He was so small. He looked like he was still young enough to be feeding off his mom. But I didn't find his mom anywhere. Shooky was alone in some box"

"wow you're such an angel" Taehyung smiles

Yoongi blushes "Y-Yeah well... back then I was going through a difficult time. I saw this cat all alone, and I didn't want him to be lonely like me. So... I made sure to treat him like family"

Taehyung back hugs Yoongi and kisses his neck
"That's adorable. Well... the both of you aren't lonely anymore"


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This was a small cute chapter~

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