Chapter 1

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Bellamy's P.O.V
I watched Abby take the girl we had saved from the abandoned spaceship from the Ark. I felt bad for her, loosing a lot of people she had grown up with all at once couldn't have been easy. I turned to Octavia to tell her I was going to see if anyone had made it to camp, it was stupid but i still had hope. "Bellamy!" I heard a distinct and female voice shout. Clarke. I barely had time to think before she unexpectedly flung her body into my arms. At first i was too shocked to respond, but eventually I got over it and hugged her back, knowing that moments like this don't happen a lot. Then, unfortunately, she turned to hug Octavia. "How many with you?" I asked, referring to any survivors of the 100. A grim look took over her face and she sighed. "None."


Me, Clarke, Abby, Kane, and a few other people from the Ark sat around a table to discuss the plan to save the 100 from the mountain.

"Our people aren't ready to attack a whole mountain yet. They will have to hang on in there for a while longer-" started Abby.

"By then they would be dead." Clarke cut in. "We need to go now. Before it's too late."

"No. We will loose and the only achievement will be a complete slaughtering of our people."

"We should atleast send in a spy to find out what's going on." I say.

"I won't risk anyone's life until i know that their sacrifice won't be a waste." Abby exclaims firmly.
"Then atleast let a few of us go out looking for Finn." Clarke sighs in an exasperated and defeated voice.
"Okay" Abby agrees after a while in the same tone.


I decide to change my clothes before we leave. I take off my shirt and try to find a clean one."Are you rea-" Clarke walks in obliviously. A pink blush spreads over her cheeks."I'll wait outside." She says while walking out awkwardly. When I am ready I go out and see Clarke and Octavia with a pack each. We leave through a small opening in the chain fence since, for some reason, Abby didn't want anyone knowing about our little trip. We hike in silence until it starts to get dark. Octavia suggests that we take a break until dawn. When we settle by a tree ,Octavia dozes off quickly. I get some branches and make a small fire, knowing how cold it can get at night. Clarke, however, sits quietly but with a troubled look on her face. "What's on your mind, princess?" I ask, scooting closer to her. "It's nothing." She says with a shake of her head. I give her a disbelieving look to which she just sighs. After a while she says "What do you think is happening to them, in Mount Weather?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. "They could already be dead. Or worse." I sit there, not saying anything because I had absolutely nothing to say. She continues, "I should've convinced them to come with me. It just feels like I acted like such a coward. I ran and saved my own life, while theirs could be being totally ruined." I finally find my tongue and say, "You did what you had to do." She shakes her head. "I did what i had to do to save me. What about them? Who's gonna save them? I should've stayed there even if it meant giving my own life." This time it's me who shakes my head. "If you had given your life they would still be in that position. If you had given your own life, we wouldn't have even known where they were and what was happening to them. And if you had given your life, I wouldn't be able to finally do this." With that, I kissed her.

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