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It was Monday and time to go back to school. Gigi and Crystal had spent every day since the party chatting back and forth. What happened at the party between them had not been brought up, not that they didn't want to talk about it. They just didn't know when was the right time. 

Gigi woke up to a message from Crystal. She turned on her side and smiled at her phone before replying. She also thanked god for dark mode, as she often misjudged the brightness of a phone screen way too often.

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Gigi closed her phone again and placed it on top of her bed cover as she stood up from the bed and stretched her arms. She thought back to the day before.

~ flashback ~

She and Crystal was supposed to be working on a school project together but they got bored midway and decided to make popcorn, watch a movie and cuddle on Crystal's bed. They were watching the 1988 version of 'Heathers', Gigi's favorite movie of all time. She enjoyed movies from way back in the day. The fashion were more thought out and their looks gave them a much bigger presence. Every outfit made sense and had a statement.

They were talking and joking back and forth the entire movie. Gigi was happy to see that Crystal seemed to enjoy it just as much as she did. Gigi would usually not be so easily distracted from the movie, but that day was different. All she could focus on was Crystal as she was laying with her head placed on Gigi's chest. She was wondering if she could hear her heart beating twice as fast as after running a marathon. She didn't seem to mind though.

Gigi picked up a part of Crystal's curly red hair and played with it. She admired those curls as they were so different from what the usual 'beauty standard' was. She was so unapologetically herself  and Gigi loved that.

The movie came to an end but the girls didn't move an inch. They didn't wanna move just yet. At this point Gigi had sneaked an arm around Crystal's waist and Crystal's legs were tangled up with Gigi's. Neither of them were sure about what they were but they both knew that there was no need for them to complicate things in this situation.

Crystal sighed contently and smiled up at Gigi. "Your chest is very comfortable. I could fall asleep here." She giggled and felt Gigi's chest rise and fall as she chuckled. Gigi hugged the smaller girl tighter and smiled back. "I wouldn't mind that." 

The two of them stayed like that in comfortable silence before Crystal's mom came knocking at the door making them quickly sit up. "Yeah?" Crystal answered the door and Mama Methyd stuck her head inside and smiled at the girls. 

Yellow flowers (Crygi/Gistal)Where stories live. Discover now