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Gigi was giggling uncontrollably when she rolled Crystal out of the hospitals entrance in a wheelchair. Crystal was blushing, red as a tomato and pouted.

"It's not funny Gigi!" Crystal whined and hid her face in her hands to hide the embarrassment. Gigi chuckled and wiped a tear out of her eye. She had been laughing so hard that she had to take some deep breaths. "I'm sorry, i know it's not funny baby. It's just.." She stopped and laughed at the thought of what happened earlier that day.

Gigi was going to give Crystal a ride home when the girl used her crutches to push herself forward a little too hard and fell forward spraining her other ankle. Gigi was giggling because Mrs. Methyd really wasn't joking when she said that her daughter was a real klutz. 

Gigi positioned Crystal's wheelchair next to the passengers seat and picked her up bridal style before gently putting her down without hurting her. 

"Owch!" Crystal whinced making Gigi's face drain of color. "I'm just kidding. Lighten up! It's not that bad." It was now Crystal's turn to laugh at the other. Gigi pulled a face at Crystal that said 'very funny...' and Crystal just pecked her cheek lovingly.


Gigi was supposed to take Crystal home but she got a crazy idea. "Hey Crys?"

Crystal turned her head from the car window where she had been mesmerized by the sight of nature for the past 10 minutes, and met Gigi's beautiful grayish blue eyes. "Yeah?" 

"Let's go on a date." Gigi smile while looking back at the road. Crystal tilted her head slightly and nodded. "Sure, wait... right now?" Gigi nodded and winked at her. 

Gigi pulled the breaks and made a U-turn out of the suburbs that they were currently going through. Crystal laughed at Gigi's excitement. It was the cutest thing and it made her heart to do back flips, front flips and all that jazz. 

Crystal wanted to ask where they were going but she knew Gigi would want it to be a surprise. They made a turn into the forest and they went up a hill. Soon they were surrounded by nothing but tall dark trees. Gigi stopped the car and unbuckled herself.

"Where are we?" Crystal laughed and raised an eyebrow. Gigi gave her a mysterious look and wiggled her eyebrows. "You'll just have to wait and see!" 

Gigi went around the car and opened the door next to Crystal. She didn't get out the wheelchair as it would probably be hard to roll her up the small and uneven path that they were going through. "Get on my back!" Gigi ordered and Crystal did as she said, after a big joking eye-roll. 

They were off and up the path where Gigi seemed to know exactly where she was. There were pine trees and birch trees everywhere around them and the smell of dirt and grass filled Crystal's lungs. It was so calming. She leaned her head onto Gigi's shoulder. Gigi looked like such a petite girl, but in reality she did have quite some backbone. She liked to carry Crystal around like this. It was reward enough to feel Crystal's head on her shoulder and her tender hums close to her ear.

Soon Gigi could see their location and it motivated her to go a little faster. "Hey, close your eyes. No peeking!" She said and the other girl obliged. Gigi hurried up and put Crystal down at a wooden bench. She sat down next to her and smiled at Crystal's beautiful, exited features.

"Is this where you will kill me?" Crystal joked making Gigi chuckle evilly. "They will never find you here!" Gigi shuffled closer and moved some of Crystal's red curls over her shoulder to place a soft kiss on her jaw. "Okay, you can open now." 

Crystal opened her painted eyes slowly being met with the most amazing and breathtaking view. They sat up on a beautiful mountain, in a field of buttercups. There was mountain peaks around them as well but from here she had the perfect view of their city. She gasped and her mouth formed an 'O' as she took it all in. Gigi watched her in awe.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Gigi leaned her head onto Crystals shoulder and pulled her closer by her waist. "Gigi, I- This is so beautiful." Crystal couldn't pull her eyes away from the scenery as if there was something new she could discover with every look.

"I'm glad you like it" Gigi sighed contently and smiled. "Like? I love this!" Crystal giggled and shook her hands, having to move from the excitement, without being able to move both of her legs. "Is that school? Oh my god! I can see your house Gigi! And then... let's see... There is my house!" She was so exited and it filled Gigi's heart with joy. Pure joy. 

"I love you, Crystal."

Crystal turned to face Gigi, her eyes were watering and she wore the most perfect smile on her lips. "I love you too, Geeg." 

Gigi smiled back and squinted her pretty eyes as she did so. "Would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" She said with an undertone of silliness but still affection. Crystal tilted her head and looked at Gigi with so much love. "Of course."

They both leaned in and their lips met in a slow but passionate kiss. This spot used to be Gigi's but now it was theirs.


(i love our fluff girls so much<3)

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