OTP 30 Day Challenge - Days 1 - 5

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Day 1 - First Meeting

These two met at a Hot Topic when they were ten

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These two met at a Hot Topic when they were ten. Fumi was looking at shirts when he heard a certain G-Note play in the background. He inhaled and went to start singing, but then he heard someone else sing.

When I was
A young boy
My father
Took me into the city
To see a marching band

He turned towards the Funko Pop wall and saw Okami singing along to herself. He wan't sure what made him do it, but he stepped in and sang the next part.

He said "Son when
You grow up
Will you be
The savior of the broken
The beaten and the damned?"

Okami was surprised to see someone join in, but then she decided to go with it. They two of them continued to sing the rest of the song together. The world around them disappeared. They were too focused on the song. (I'm also too lazy to draw a proper background.)

After that, they formally introduced themselves and their quirks.

But then Okami's father called her over, telling her it was time to go.

So they were forced to part.

Unfortunately, they forgot to exchange contact information.

It didn't help that they went to different middle schools.

However, they continued to think about each other each day.

They were both unaware of the fact that they would reunite again five years later in Class 1-A. It's then they fall for each other.

Day 2 - Confession

Technically speaking, Okami was the one who confessed first

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Technically speaking, Okami was the one who confessed first. She basically did it by standing on a table during lunch and singing part of "Can't fight this feeling" by REO Speedwagon. I was originally going to draw that part, but Fumi blushing is just adorable AF, so I decided to go with this part instead.

Headcanon - When it comes to this sort of thing, Fumi becomes a total shy bean.

Here's how the conversation played out -

Okami finished singing the song and then Fumi pulls her aside and into the hall where there is no one. This way, they can talk in private.

Fumi: I want you to know that was an outstanding performance. I deeply appreciated it.
Okami: Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. It's okay if you don't feel the same way, though.
Fumi: Love is not an emotion I am at all familiar with. But I think I experienced it back there.
Okami: Really?
Fumi: **nods** In fact, I thought about it and realized I've been experiencing it all along. I just failed to realize it. **gulps** I- ... I think I've fallen for you, Okami.
Okami: Really?
Fumi: Really. I'm glad you feel the same way that I do.
Okami: Back at ya.
Fumi: I guess what I'm trying to say is ... Will you be the light to my darkness?
Okami: Oh, Tokoyami. That's what I've been hoping for ever since we met!

And that is how the ship sailed!

Day 3 - First Date

The ideal date for these two is nothing to special or fancy

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The ideal date for these two is nothing to special or fancy. They don't care as long as the two of them are together and having fun. On this date, they decided a nice starter would be the mall. They'll be spending most of the time in Hot Topic, of course.

Day 4 - First Kiss

Headcanon - Fumi can switch between a human head and a bird head

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Headcanon - Fumi can switch between a human head and a bird head.

This moment takes place right after Fumi confessed to Okami and she agreed to becoming his girlfriend.

Fumi: **changes form**
Okami: I ... I didn't know you could do that.
Fumi: I never had a reason to. Until now, that is.
Okami: What do you me-
Fumi: **cuts her off by kissing her**
Okami: **surprised, but sinks into the kiss**
[They stay that way and then part]
Okami: That was amazing.
Fumi: It was.
Okami: I love you, Fumi.
Fumi: **blushes at the nickname, but recovers** I love you, too, Oka.

Oh, and Dark Shadow took pictures and sent them to the Class 1-A groupchat, revealing their relationship before they could reveal it themselves.

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Day 5 - Meeting The Family

Fumi doesn't really have anyone he considers "family," so he's meeting Okami's

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Fumi doesn't really have anyone he considers "family," so he's meeting Okami's.

And, yes, she was raised by four of the most famous slashers of all time.

They retired to raise her, though. Her, and Michael's neice, Jamie.

Okami and Fumi were walking down the street and here's what happened.

Okami: Here's the thing ... about my family ... they're slashers.
Fumi: Very funny. I know you love horror movies, but don't you think this is taking it a little far?
Okami: No. They're the reason I have a love for horror movies.
Fumi: Is she crazy or something? No. I shouldn't think like that. I trust her. Is it ... safe? For me to meet them?
Okami: Oh, it's totally safe. They're retired. They haven't killed anyone in fifteen years. Really, it's mainly Michael you have to fear, though. He's the most like a father to me. He refuses to admit it, though. The rest are just crackheads.
Fumi: Well ... if you're sure.
Okami, nervously: **opens door and gestures to the fam** Welp, here they are. Meet my family!
Jamie: **nervous wave**
Ghostface and Jason, cheerfully: Hi!!
Freddy: 'Sup?
Michael, skeptic: Pleasure to meet you. We've heard a LOT about you.
Fumi, sweating: O-Oh... H-Hello. Dear God, she was serious.

It ended up going smoothly. Ghostface, Jason, Freddy, and Jamie like Fumi and think he's a good fit for Okami. Jamie absolutely ADORES Dark Shadow. As for Michael, he presented himself as the protective father figure, but he secretly respects Fumi (The reason why is because he called him "sir" which no one has ever done before.) and thinks he and Okami are a good match.

And they say Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover ever.

(I've been drawing slashers for years and I STILL don't know how to draw Freddy, SMH)

I'm gonna upload some 30 Day Challenge works every five days. Days 6-10 are gonna be the next part and I'm currently in the middle of Days 11-15

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