OTP 30 Day Challenge - Days 21 - 25

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Day 21 - Doing Something Cute

What's cuter than a classic game of Pocky?

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What's cuter than a classic game of Pocky?

Day 22 - Doing Something Crazy

It may not seem like much, but this is considered "crazy" in their book

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It may not seem like much, but this is considered "crazy" in their book.

Day 23 - Couple's Costumes

I'm a HUGE Hamilfan, so I decided to go with Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler/Hamilton

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I'm a HUGE Hamilfan, so I decided to go with Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler/Hamilton.

Day 24 - Something Sad

Time for some backstory!

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Time for some backstory!

After Fumi had met Okami's family, he decided it was time he told her about his. And here's how it went down.

Fumi: My parents ... they were villains.

Okami: W-What?

Fumi: You heard me. My mom had the ability to do whatever an eagle could do. She had a bird head like me and she had a pair of wings. My father controlled a sentient being like Dark Shadow, only much stronger. They were arrested when I was one. That meant I had nowhere to go. So I was moved to a foster home. But I wasn't wanted. At all. Even though I was only a toddler, the person who owned the place and the other kids viewed me as a villain. They called me a freak. A mutant. They said I shouldn't exist at all. It got worse when I developed my quirk. They said it was a villain's quirk. Dark Shadow wanted to fight every single one of them. But I didn't let him. I believed that if I hurt anyone, it would only prove them right. Then ... something happened in middle school. **starts getting choked up**

Okami: You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable talking about it.

Fumi: No. I need to tell someone. It might as well be you. I trust you more than anyone.

Okami: **nods** Okay. You may proceed when ready.

Fumi: **deep breath** I got in a fight. I didn't even start it. I ... I stabbed someone's arm with my beak. I didn't mean to, but I did. That was all it took to confirm everyone at the foster home's suspicions. **eyes well with tears and wipes them away**

Okami: What did they do?

Fumi: **swallows, tears flowing** They didn't kick me out. In fact, what they DID do was worse in my opinion. **wipes his eyes again** Whenever I was in the house since the fight ... they forced me to wear a muzzle ... like I was an animal.

Okami: **chokes** Th-They did WHAT?!

Fumi: **nods** You heard me. It was so humiliating. **closes eyes and sobs a little**

Okami, growling: Those sick fucks.

Fumi: **nods in agreement**

Okami wrapped her arms around him and placed his head against her chest. He let it all out. All the emotions he felt because of the incident that he had kept bottled up for months. Okami held him as he sobbed. She gently rubbed comforting circles in his back.

Okami, eyes welling with tears, comfortingly murmuring: It's okay. Let it all out.

Fumi: **pulls away and wipes his eyes one last time** I'm okay now. I feel a lot better.

Okami: Thank you for telling me.

Fumi: Thank you for listening.

Day 25 - Something Happy

I decided to go with the fact that Fumi got third place in the Sports Festival

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I decided to go with the fact that Fumi got third place in the Sports Festival. Okami, of course, is really happy of her boyfriend.

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