My Ship In Five Minutes - LeatherWarden

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I feel like I am literally the only person who ships this rare pair.

NicknamesHarry likes to call Leatherface "Jed" short for his full name "Jedidiah

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Harry likes to call Leatherface "Jed" short for his full name "Jedidiah." Leatherface calls Harry his "Little Canary" because a long time ago, miners had canaries in the mines with them.

Leatherface is taller than Harry by two inches. Leatherface is 6'4" while Harry is 6'2"

Harry was born February 13th, while Leatherface was born on July 24th. They are 159 days apart. Harry is older.

How it happens
Harry ended up in the hands of the Sawyer family. They planned on making him their next meal. But Leatherface felt differently about the miner. He felt like they were somewhat similar. In fact, he fell immediately So he helped Harry escape. Harry was convinced he was a goner, so he was surprised that Leatherface helped him. He was also convinced there had to be some sort of string attached. It can't be helped. He has trust issues. But over time, he warmed up to Leatherface and eventually fell.

Showing Affection
Both love cuddles. Leatherface is the only one willing to make a move for it, though.

Handling Conflict
Leatherface is very laid back and easily forgives. Harry, meanwhile, feels the need for space.

Dealing with Jealousy
Harry gets jealous easily and he deals with it by distancing himself from Leatherface. However, Leatherface is the opposite. He doesn't get jealous at all. In fact, he feels a sense of pride whenever Harry is being social, because he usually isn't.

Relationship Attitude
Leatherface is dedicated to the relationship, while Harry tries to stay reserved.

Leatherface can't help but fear for Harry's safety whenever he's not around. Harry, meanwhile, is more independent.

First to Confess
Leatherface was the first to confess. Harry was WAY to nervous. He doubted his feelings and he HIGHLY doubted Leatherface would like someone who comes off as a grumpy ace.

First to Apologize After a Fight
Leatherface hates it when Harry's upset and he will usually apologize after a fight immediately.

The more Popular/Charismatic
Neither. They're slashers.

The Best Caregiver When The Other Is Sick
Harry's been taking care of himself for years, so when it comes to illness, he knows what he's doing.

Does the Cooking
Leatherface is a good cook. He understands that not all people are cannibals, so he has seperate recipes for Harry.

Does the Housework
Both of them pitch in with the housework.

Does most of the Speaking
Neither of them are one for talking, but Harry is slightly more chatty.

The Overprotective One
Leatherface for sure. He's been protecting Harry since they met.

Designated Driver
Leatherface does not in anyway trust himself.

Has good Penmanship
IDK why, but I feel like Harry would have better penmanship.

Has more Experience with Relationships
Harry has had relationships in the past, but they weren't the greatest. This lead to him believing he was ace for a long time. Until he met Leatherface. Leatherface, meanwhile, hasn't been in a relationship before Harry.

Sensitive to Subtle Changes in their Partner
Whenever something is wrong, the other immediately senses it.

The One who Proposes
Leatherface. It happened in their appartment. They had been living together for quite a while, so Leatherface decided to make it official. Harry agreed.

The One Who Dies Protecting the Other
Personally, I don't want either of them dying. But if I really had to chose, my gut says Leatherface.

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