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"Hello Li Jie Ge."

"Hey Mingrui."

"I-Is Li Fang home?"

"um, she's down at the store."

"oh...well thanks..."

"Hey Mingrui"


"You're going back home for the holidays, right?"


"oh it really is just going to be my mom and her alone...i wish i could take her..."


Mingrui holds up two tickets

"oh can you afford that?!"

" savings for a car...went to 2 temporary seats on a plane."

"no joke when they say you're her best friend..."

he awkwardly laughs

"I'm gonna head over to the store."

"alright. See you around"

"you too."

Mingrui went over to the store and when he looked through the window, he saw you and Xinlong. he hid behind the wall and looked over into the store. He saw you laughing and smiling. Then he saw Xinlong holding up two little slips of paper.

Mingrui sighs and leaned his back against the wall.

"idiot...why would you-"


"huh? oh...Senior He...hey..."

he hid the tickets behind him

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to get some instant noodles..."

"in Busan?"

"I-I was in the"

"well...see you around..."


Xinlong walks away and Mingrui's phone starts to ring




"You won't believe what just happened!"


his tone was a bit disappointed

"Xinlong bought me AND my mom tickets to go back home! We're going to be staying at Hanyu's house."

"oh wow..."

he looked back down at the tickets in his hand

"That's awesome..."

"How's Shuyang and Zeyu? everything good with them?"

"huh?...oh yeah..."

he completely forgot he was supposed to meet the two

"They're good. Well, um, I got to go..."

"okay. Bye GouGou~"

"See ya..."

the next day you walked to school with a skip in your step to find Mingrui standing outside the campus on the phone

"You sure I can't return them? REALLY? Let me talk to-"

Still Losers (boy story Mingrui ff pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now