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you, Gou Ji, and Hanyu were stuffed in the back seat of the car, and your brother and his wife in the front, rushing to the hospital

"Are you okay, Gou Ji?"

"She started feeling something poking her then I saw blood when she threw up."

"it hurts..."

"I know, baby, I know. We'll be there soon, okay?"

you guys got to the hospital and they took her away with your brother and his wife.

you and Hanyu were waiting in the waiting room. You were growing impatient and started pacing back and forth

"Li Fang..."

you didn't respond

"Lin Li Fang"


"Sit...it's late. you should take a nap."

"how can i sleep?"

you brother came back down the hall

"What? What's going to happened?!"

"She's going to go through surgery...they're prepping her right now..."

"oh geez..."

you finally sit next to Hanyu

"Everything's going to be fine..."

"You two should get back home. It's what, 1  a.m.?"

"I'm not leaving."

your brother sighs and sat next to Hanyu

it didn't take long for you to pass out on Hanyu's shoulder

"Li Fang. wake up."


"Gou Ji's done with surgery."

you stood up

"Where's her room?"

the doctor came down the hall

"room 114. But i suggest you don't visit just yet. She just finished and she'll still be pretty knocked out."

you slump back down in the seat

"so...when can we see her?"

"I'll let you know as soon as possible."

"You two should get home."


"It's Christmas eve. You should be with your friends."

"but I'd rather spend it with my family"

"Me too"

"Both fo you, go. Xiao Xiao, watch after mom."

"You too, Jia Bao."

"JieJie, but-"

"We'll call you if anything happens"

"Come on, Li Fang..."

"You're seriously going to-"

"I'm sure Shuyang and Zeyu-"

"I don't care about them right now!"

"And MINGRUI...are going to worry about you..."

Still Losers (boy story Mingrui ff pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now