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"because i fucking like you, Lin Li Fang..."

you stop in your tracks

you heard his footsteps getting closer to you and you help your breath


he puts his hand on your shoulder and you turn around, not making eye contact

he pulled you into a hug, making you drop your cookie, and rested his chin on top of your head.

"I thought my feelings so you went away...but today...I just don't want anything like that, anything bad in general, to happen to you...ever...L-Like the way I felt when we were younger...I want to protect you..."

he hugs you tighter but you just stood there, shocked

"please...don't go back to Xinlong..."

"and what? I just date you?"

you let's go and looks you in the eye, but you quickly look down

"i'm sorry this was so sudden...I'm willing to wait...fuck, I waited 5 years to tell you three words..."


"You...don't need to answer..."

he sighs and sees your cookie sitting on the sidewalk

"Here...to replace your, um...dead cookie..."

he hands you his cookie but you shake your head and push it back towards him

you break the half that he wasn't holding off

"I...need some time to think..."

he smiled a little and you finally made eye contact with him


"Get home safe, okay?...your flight is the same as mine, right? see you tomorrow?"


you give him a little warm smile then headed inside. That had his heart fluttering, and made his cheeks become red and hot

he takes a bite out of his cookie and starts to walk away

"My FangFang..."

he giggles

the next morning you woke up to Hanyu running around your room

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find my passport!"

you sigh and rub your eyes.

"Don't just sit there! Help me!"

you reach over to the table in between your beds and opened the drawer to pull out his passport.

"Jia Bao Ge..."

"What? Why do you have it?!"

"You're the one who put it in there, dipshit..."

Still Losers (boy story Mingrui ff pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now