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the next morning, you woke up in Hanyu's room on the floor with your head pounding, your stomach all swirly, and not one single memory on how you got home

"J-Jia Bao Ge..."

all you received was a snore from him

you grabbed your phone and saw that it was already 10:30 am

you had the same cloths on from last night, so you changed into more comfortable stuff and walked out into the kitchen

"Good morning..."

"Morning, Mom"

"So...Hanyu came home pretty drunk last night..."


"And what about you?"

"I'm fine..."

"Oh really? Who brought you home last night?"


luckily, the door bell rang

"I'll get it!"

you opened the door to find Xinlong, perfect fine, standing right in front of you



"I came here fro Hanyu but, um...Can I talk to you real quick?"


you step out and close the door behind you

"Can you hurry up a little...it's kinda cold..."

you were only wearing a sweatshirt and shorts.

"I...I miss you, Lin Li Fang..."

"Y-You what?"

"I know i'm the one that ended things and shit...but...seeing you and Mingrui...I miss the way you used to look at me...the way you look at Mingrui...."

Mingrui was coming up the block with two yogurt drinks in his hand when he saw you and Xinlong.

"you're the one that said if we stayed together we'd-"

"I know what I said...but I'm willing to change for you..."

"Can I ask you something?"


"We're you the one who took my wasted ass home last night?"


"Hi FangFang."

Mingrui popped up


he gave you a warm smile, which caused you to give a tiny smile back

"I should get going...sorry, Li Fang..."

Xinlong walked away

"idiot...she always liked him...what's the difference now?"

you watched him with guilt in your eyes as he walked away

"Everything okay?"

"Um...I don't know...I don't know anything right now."

he snickered and hand you a yogurt

"Here. I know you like these in the morning too..."

your eyes lit up and you smiles

Still Losers (boy story Mingrui ff pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now