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Jimin switched on the gas and put a vessel filled with water. He had to wait for it to boil so that he could put in the instant ramen.

In the quiet atmosphere of Taehyung's house, jimin heard his ringtone.

Forgetting about the water on the stove, he ran towards the sofa where he had left the phone.

Incoming video call from @itsmeSUGA✔️
Accept| Decline

Jimin smiled widely once he saw his call getting connecting. He smiled even wider when he say Yoongi's face. He often wondered how he got so lucky.

"Hiiiiiiiii" Jimin said, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.
"Hey Jiminie. I missed you." Yoongi said, his heart skipping a beat when heard the voice of his boyfriend. He often found himself wondering how he got so lucky and found someone like Jimin who made him so happy.

I should thank that Hoseok guy, thought Yoongi

"Did you make your ramen?" Yoongi asked. He was eager to show Jimin the dish he made for Jimin.
Jimin looked confused for a second. And then his eyes widened, "Oh fuck! My ramen!!"

Yoongi assumed that Jimin was running towards to the kitchen because all he saw was a blur on his screen because Jimin was running towards the kitchen where his boiling water lay abandoned.

"Phew, Taehyung would've killed me if I burned his kitchen." Jimin murmured.

"Did you say something?" Yoongi asked. He heard Jimin say something but he couldn't understand what he said.
"Huh. No. It's just that almost all my water for the ramen has evaporated. I should put more water and boil it again."

Jimin carefully placed his against the wall of the kitchen counter so that he could see and talk to Yoongi while talking to him.

"Aish Jiminie, it's nearly three and we haven't eaten lunch yet." Yoongi said, finally understanding what was going on. He personally thought that his boyfriend was adorable for forgetting about the water (A/N- he's whipped, okay?)

Jimin looked down and pouted. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, I wasn't scolding you bae. I'll wait even if it's time for dinner."

Jimin's heart started racing faster at Yoongi's words. Everything about the older was beautiful. His face, his body, they way he treats Jimin, his words, everything.

Jimin didn't realize that he was staring at Yoongi through the screen until Yoongi cleared his throat loudly causing Jimin to break out of his gaydream.

"The water is boiling" Yoongi said, somewhat flustered at the way Jimin was staring at him. Even though a screen, Yoongi felt the intensity of stare. He hoped that he wasn't blushing because that wasn't good for his swag. People with swag don't blush.

A comfortable silence settled among the couple as Yoongi watched Jimin opened the packet of instant ramen and put the ramen into the boiling water. He watched as Jimin waited for ramen to cook. Once the ramen was cooked, he opened the packet of spice and added it to the ramen. Soon enough he was done.

Jimin changed the position of his phone and placed it against a decoration piece on the dining table. He then, sat in front of the phone with his ramen so that Yoongi could see him clearly.

"Sorry for making you wait for so long." Jimin said.
"It's fine. Really."
Jimin smiled and said, "Anyways, what did you make? I'm really excited to see what you made with me in your mind."
"It's nothing much. I didn't put much effort in it anyways." Yoongi said, casually shrugging.

Lies. Those were lies. He spent nearly an hour deciding on what to make even though Jimin wasn't actually going to eat it. After he finally decided what to make, he went out the convenient store and bought the ingredient he was missing. After that, he carefully prepped all the ingredients and started cooking. After he was done cooking he spent another 30 minutes plating it so that it looked presentable.

"I wanna see it." Jimin said looking excited.
Shyly, Yoongi pulled out the dish he had prepared from his hiding that spot and put it in front of the camera so that Jimin could see it clearly.

Jimin's eyes widened as he saw the dish placed in front of Yoongi's camera
His mouth watered at the sight of the dish.

Jimin's eyes widened as he saw the dish placed in front of Yoongi's cameraHis mouth watered at the sight of the dish

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"Wow, katsudon! It looks so delicious." Jimin exclaimed.
Yoongi rubbed his neck secretly enjoying the praise. "It's nothing"
"I'm so jealous. Aish, this ramen looks so unappetizing now." Jimin pouted.
"I'm sorry but I made this with you in my mind."
"So are you telling me I look delicious?"

There was a silence in the air and Yoongi started blushing furiously.

Jimin giggles and said, "You're so cute, hyung"
"You're cuter"
"You're the cutest"

There was another pause and Jimin burst out laughing.
"That was so cliche"

"Anyways hyung. Let's start eating"
"I thought you said ramen was unappetizing."
"It still is but I have to eat something. I don't wanna starve."

Yoongi didn't respond and they both started eating. Slowly a conversation stared up between them and they were so engrossed in their conversation that their food lay forgotten.

They also didn't notice Yoongi's house door open.

So guys I'll be going on a semi hiatus which means my updates won't be that frequent. I AM NOT DISCONTINUING THE BOOK,,,my updates aren't going to often. I'll try to update at least once a week for you guys but please don't stop reading
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