chapter ^^

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They had already decided the roomates, they were jin and namjoon, taehyung, jungkook and jimin and yoongi and hoseok.

Hoseok would've preffered to pair yoongi and jimin up but he didn't want to say anything that would make anyone suspicious.

So, they all made their way to their rooms and hoseok threw his bag to one corner of the room and plumped down on the bed.

Yoongi entered the room shortly after hoseok and said, "Hey! I wanted that bed."

"Too bad, I entered the room first."

"You're so childish." Yoongi said and carefully put his bag on the ground and sat on his bed.

"Oh really? You're the one to say."

"Excuse me?"

"I ain't blind, you are like a 2nd grader, you blush even when you breathe the same air as Jimin."

Yoongi eyes widened and cheeks went slightly pink, he cleared his throat and scratched his head and said, "I don't"

"Keep lying to yourself. I just said Jimin's name and now you're a blushing mess."

Yoongi looked away. He hated the effect Jimin had on him. He wondered how long this would last for?

"Get Jimin back dude."

"But aren't you both a thing?"

Hoseok laughed. If only Yoongi knew. "Nah, Jimin is cute as hell but he's so head over hells for you, i would'nt have a chance anyways."

"so you like him?"

"i didn't say that."

Yoongi raised his eyebrow in confusion. He shook his head as if that would help him get rid of the confusion. He got up and went to the water jug when Hoseok said, "I think you both should have a talk. Like only the both of you where you apologize and if Jimin accepts your apology you are lucky, if he doesn't at least you apologised and your mind might be at ease."

Yoongi looked at hoseok. What he said made sense. But he was afraid, afraid that Jimin might never forgive him and Yoongi would end up in a heartbreak. The thought was selfish but at that moment, yoongi couldn't imagine a life without Jimin.-------------------------------------"I've never been to such a big hotel!" Jimin said, his eyes filled with wonder as he entered his hotel suite. "It's so pretty."

Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged a glance, they were happy to see their best friend happy once again.

"I'm glad you are liking it. We've seriously got to thank Namjoon and Jin." Jungkook said. He wasn't in a financially bad state but he never had the luxury to stay at such a fancy hotel.

"I know right. I would go right now to thank them but i feel like Jin and Namjoon might be doing something and i don't want to, you know, interrupt." Jimin said.

"Hey Jimin." Taehyung said.


"Are you fine? Like with Yoongi around?"

Jimin looked and Taehyung about it. It was weird to explain how he felt. Like, for some odd reason he didn't hate Yoongi. It wasn't like Jimin couldn't stand the sight of him. Quite the opposite actually, he wanted to see Yoongi more and more. There was always a feeling longing 

Jimin felt when he saw Yoongi. The more Jimin thought about it, he began realising that he wanted Yoongi back. He felt like forgiving Yoongi and running into his arms.

"I miss him. I miss him so fucking much. Everytime I look at him, I just can't hate him. I only feel a sense of comfort and I just want him back."

Jungkook, as much as he didn't like Yoongi, knew that Yoongi still loved Jimin, it was obvious from the way he looked at Jimin. So, Jungkook said,

"Just wait, Yoongi will come back to you."------------------------------Just wait, this book will be over soon. I have my exams going on which is why i didn't update for so long. They are still going on but i have the weekend to study for my exam so i decided to update just for you guys.How did you guys, like it?Keep reading, commenting and voting.Love,<33

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