chapter 7

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When the Sway boys and I got to the party I could already smell the odor of alcohol and sweat. We walked in seeing a whole bunch of people. Bryce and Jaden walked off. Griffin, kio, and anthony also went to another part of the house. which just left Josh and me.
"Hey do you wanna drink I'm gonna get one" Josh asked
"Yea sure" i replied
When he left I was kinda just there so I approached a couple of girls.
"Hey! My name's Jordan." I said waving at them
They all looked at me and one said, "Hey girl my names Charly and these are my friends Daisy, Abby, Kinsey." She said pointing at each one.
They were all so pretty. All of them were blonde with perfect bodies. It almost made me think the worst since there were so many pretty girls Josh could get anyone at this party.
"So do you know anybody at this party?" Daisy said
"Uh yea I came here with the sway boys." I said
"Oh how do you know them?" Abby said
"I'm Anthony's sister." I said
"That's nice. Did you just move here I haven't seen you around often." Daisy said.
"I just moved here about 4 weeks ago. I'm living here permanently now." I replied
"Oh that's so great! You should come over our house sometime." Daisy said
"We're the club house if you ever want to come." Kinsey said.
"Oh fun! I'll think about it if I ever want to get away from the guys." I said as they all laughed.
From the corner of my eye I saw Josh talking to some girl. I didn't think much of it cause they were probably friends, but that was until she started to touch him and then lean in and kissed him. I wasn't feeling to well after I just saw that and i think one of the girls noticed because she said this
"Are you alright girl?" Kinsey said
"Uh yea I- um actually do you know where the bathroom is?"
"Yea it's upstairs go two doors down on your right." Charly said
"Ok thank you! talk to you later."
"Of corse. See you around!" Daisy said as they all started in their conversation again.
I made my way upstairs and there were a bunch of rooms I walked past the two doors and went to the one on the right.
Once I got in I closed the door behind me and walked over to the sink. How could I be so stupid. I knew Josh wouldn't like me. This is why I don't let people in. Ugh. I thought to myself. I looked myself in the mirror. And i heard the bathroom door open. Of corse I forgot to lock the bathroom.
"Uh occupied" I said.
But whoever was on the other side of the door didn't listen and came stumbling in. It was a drunk guy who was much taller than me. He had black hair and was wearing shorts and a long sleeve. He came in with a red solo cup in his hand a looked me up and down. I was really uncomfortable and said
"You do know this bathroom is taken right." I said a bit annoyed
"Well what is a pretty girl like you alone in a bathroom during a party." He said
I just turned and he said "I'm Blake" He started to come closer. I backed away a little, but he kept on coming closer.
"Can you get away from me." I said
He just kept on coming closer and chuckled under his breath. I looked away but he grabbed my face harshly to look at him and he kissed me. I didn't kiss back but when he realized he pushed me into the wall.
"Kiss me back you slut"
A tear fell from my face when he grabbed my face again and kissed me but i didn't kiss back but tried to push him away. He didn't bulge and grabbed my wrists tightly.
"Get off me." I screamed but he just tightened his grip on me, "Stop"
He kissed me again but when he did he loosened his grip and i kicked him in the balls and went for the door. However he just grabbed my wrist again and pinned me to the door. He was right next to me and I could feel his breath on my neck.
"I really wish you didn't do that, babygirl. Cause now your gonna pay." He said with a chuckle.
I stiffened at the word chose he used. A knock came from the other side of the wall.
"Someone's in here!" Blake said and as soon as I was gonna say something he put a hand around my mouth and pushed me more into the door. Blake pushed me to the ground and I wince at how I landed hard. I shouted help and just on cue the guy on the other side opened the door.
"Yo whats going on in here." The man said. I looked up and it was Anthony's eyes that met mine. He noticed the tears and how I was on the ground and Blake was right next to me. Anthony realized what happened and he looked at Blake with a cold stare.
"What did you do to my sister Blake!" Anthony said with a harsh tone.
"Well your slut of a sister came in here while I was using the bathroom and was begging for me." A drunken Blake said while chuckling. My jaw could touch the ground since he was the one that came in. But that was enough to send Anthony over the edge as he punched Blake right in the jaw. He went tumbling back as he sat for a second. Anthony reached for me and said,
"Go downstairs and straight to my car I'll meet you there and drive you home." He said. As I nodded.
I quickly walked down the stairs and as I was walking out the door and hand grabbed my wrist. I turned and saw Josh who was holding my arm.
"Hey I've been looking for you all night! where have you been?" He said with words slurring. It was obviously that people were really drunk at this party.
"I don't know why don't you ask your little girlfriend." I said with a harsh tone and left. I jogged to the car we took to get here and waited there. After a minute Anthony came out and he got in the drivers seat as i got in the passengers seat. He drove me all the way back to the sway house.
"Hey I'm gonna go back to the party to hang for a bit. Do you mind being here alone." He asked. I nodded. "Alright goodnight i'll see you in the morning Jor." Anthony said as he headed out the door.
I ran upstairs taking off my shoes and went to the bathroom to take off my makeup as best as I could. I took off my clothes and put on an oversized shirt and went straight to bed. I was exhausted. How could this night turn so bad. That's all I thought about and went to sleep.
don't forget to vote!! also give me any ideas for this story in the comments

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