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Barney x Bakugo part 6

Selener quickly took Barney's hand and kissed him. Barney was so disappointed and disgusted, he preferred bakugo. Selener said "YOLO I'LL BE BACK SOON BAABBYYYY!" Barney being so weirded out. After a while, Selener came back to give Barney food. Besides the food she gave Barney a pill. She said "IT WILL GIVE YOU HELP BBY SHEHHSEHHD" Barney being stupid said "YOLO OK"  Barney took the pill and ate it (yolo stupid bitch) Turns out it was something Selener made to make Barney fall in love with her. Barney passed out. After he woke up, he saw selener and said "YOLO I LOVE YOU NOW DJSJJDJDJD" Selener said "YOLO YEAH LOOK AT OUR UGLY CHILD" While she yeeted the child "Selener" said Barney "yes?" said selener "I hate Bakugo, your the only one i need"

Bakugo p.o.v

I woke up from a long nap, I saw a text from Barney.
"Yolo, Im going to Bob the Builder's birthday" I knew Bob the builder's birthday by memory since I know him more than Barney, but who forgets a friend's birthday. I knew something was wrong, so i quickly remembered I put a tracker on Barnwy because he always get's lost (so convenient) time to find Barney!

Selener p.o.v

I've had a crush on Barney ever since we were kids. I finally got him to myself. I can't let anyone ruin this for me. I won't even let them try. Surprisingly, i'm pretty smart and knew about the tracker on Barney's back and i quickly took it off when he was unconscious. THE END YOLO SUABAHjsjN.

YOLO 269 WORDS 69 GET IT SHSJQJSJHWJW ANYWAYS this is now my longest chapter yolooooolololololo))

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