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Today is the day where I'm finally going to get adopted. I got pulled out last week and got questioned and everything about being adopted and I awnsered truthfully. I'm 16 turn 17 next month and it sucks I don't really celebrate my birthday. Only with Hanna baker and clay Jenson though. but recently Hanna committed suicide and ever since then I blocked everyone out of my life. "Katie Danish please come down to the office. congratulations for your adoption" the lady on the intercom said. I grabbed my suit case and left. "There she is" a tall muscular/thick man with a man bun said. "I'm Corey scherer your new father" he said "Is he really the one who adopted me" I said while pointing at him and looking at the
Office Lady. "Yes sweetie your were the only one here compatible for him" she says as she walks off. "I'm corey your dad but you can just call me corey" he said. "Well corey can w-" my phone goes off and it's Tony. "I got to take this" I say "Katie we got a problem. Meet me at the park" tony said "what happened?" "You need to hear something. I have clay with me too" he says "hey um I'm kinda in the middle of an adoption thing right now." I say "shit sorry Katie, text me where you are staying at then. Its way to important right now" he says then hangs up. "Everything ok" corey asked. "Yeah let's just go." We leave left and ten minutes later we got to where he lives. "Ok before we go in there I live with 5 other roommates. Sam and Colby, me and devyn, Jake, then there's Aaron. We have 2 dogs living with us named buddie, that's Arron's dog. Then we have Navi. Me and devyns dog, we are also dating too just to let you know" he says as we nod. We walk inside and the place is huge. "EVERYBODY GET YOUR ASS DOWN STAIRS" corey yells. The first to walk downstairs is a girl that's as tall as me. "Omg you must be Katie I'm devyn" she says and hugs me. Then I see another guy walk down the stairs with a dog in his arm. "Hi I'm Arron and this buddy nice to meet you" he says "I'm Katie" "holy shit you weren't playing" 2 guys said while walking down the stairs. "I'm Sam and this is colby" the tall skinny blue eye blond said while pointing at the other tall guy. He looked nice, he had blue blue hair and baby blue eyes and had a decent tan better then Sam's "Nice to meet you" Colby said. My phone went off agian. It was clay. "Hey guys I need to take this" I say then here Corey say in the distance "that's her 3rd one out of the car ride here." I answered my phone "I'm sending you it right now" I say as he said ok and I hung up. I went back inside and asked Corey and he gave it to me. "Why do you need it" he asked suspiciously "um my friend really needs me right now. He said he needs to show me something. And before you get that over protective vibe about boys in my life, don't be im gay" I say. "Oh ok. That's amazing" he says. The door bell goes off and I answered it "car now katie" tony said as I followed him "tony what's going on" I say as he pulled out a box a opened it revealing a hole bunch of tapes. "What's this" I asked. He put it in his cassette tape player in his car.

Hey it's hanna, Hanna baker. Don't adjust your whatever device your on. It's me live and on stereo.

I teared up ad turned it off. "That's not real. It can't be" I say as I cry. "It is Katie and you and clay need to here them all" tony said. "Why. Why do this" I mutter. "You just need to listen to them all" tony says. He takes the tape out and handed the box to clay. "I'ma give it to clay for now. Only because he has a cassette player at his house" He says "why do this, why us, why" I start to go on and on. "The day I finally get adopted to" I say. "If it makes you feel any better I fell off my bike today riding it to Monet's to meet with him just because of this" clay says making me laugh a little. "Hey come inside and meet my new dad Basically" I said as they did. We walked in and went to the kitchen. "I feel like I've seen this place in something before" tony said. "Hey Katie" Colby said walking into the kitchen "hey Colby these are my friends tony and clay" i say "hello" Colby says and clay and tony both say hi. "Um Corey wanted you to stay in my room for the night since I have a couch in my room. He just doesn't want you staying in the living room with the windows being the way they are. People tent to find a way inside the fence sometimes and seeing you could put you in danger" he said "um ok" I say then he walks away and "crushing much" clay says "me or him?" I ask "both" tony said "I could never. I'm gay and we all know that" I say as we laughed. A few hours went by and clay and tony left. It is now 10 at night. I'm sitting in the living room whaching gothem and feel my eyes start to drift off to sleep while I'm on the couch.

"Katie why did you let me die" I heard a voice say. "who are you" I demanded "why did let me die" "I didn't let anyone die who are you" "why did you let me die" the person asked agian. "Who the fuck are you and why do you keep saying that" I asked "why did you let me die" "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU I DIDN'T LET ANYONE DIE" I yelled "yea you did Katie or them deep cuts wouldn't have been there. They wouldn't have let me died. You wouldn't have let me died. But I did and you caused it. so why. Why can't you wake up and realize what you did" "wake up" the person said. "Wake up" "wake up" "wake up" "WAKE UP!" The person said while yelling agian. And kept doing it over and over agian and I couldn't help it I cried and I cried.

"Kayla wake up" I jump up out of my sleep scared and crying "it's ok Katie its just me Colby" he says while pulling me into a hug. "I-i how bad was it?" I asked "not loud Enough to go up the house. You were screaming like you were in pain. And then started to say that you didn't kill anyone" he said "it was just a nightmare I guess" I say "hey let's just go to bed. It's 2 in the morning and you have school today" he says as I nod.

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