the day before everything

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A hour has past and tony is coming to pick me up. "another bad dream" tony asked "yea". I got to school me and clay met up and we were just paying a little respect to Hannah's locker. Then Justin walks up "What the hell are you doing" Justin said to clay. "Nothing we're ju-" "looking for something?" Justin asked cutting clay off "what would we be looking for?" Clay asked in a curious way "you tell me" Justin said. "Do you you even know our names?" Clay asked "course I do clay and Katie" then a teacher comes up to us and tells us to go to class but Justin turned back around to us. "You're not that innocent, danish and Jensen. I don't give a shit what she says" me and ay looked at each other confused, then we all go to our classes. The school day end and I go to meet up with clay but then I see Courtney come up and hug him so I stay back for a minute and watched. I couldn't hear them though. I see her leave so I catch up to clay. "Hey clay and Katie want a ride home" tony asked. "Yeah sure." Tony drops clay off at his house so then I move to the front seat. "What do you think we would be doing right now if she never passed?" I asked "I dont know. Life's just one big mystery" tony says. I get back to the orphanage and head to my room and just listen to some music and do my homework. I decided to ask Jessica and Alex how they were doing and they said they were doing fine, which we all know is a lie. I turn my phone off and everything and decided to go to bed to see what tomorrow brings me.

Sorry for this being short. Next chapter will be long I promise

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