the day off

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Corey had told me to stay home today and I did. I got a text from Jessica asking where I was at and I told her I was staying home today. There's a party tonight so I gotta make the first bad impression to this family i guess. I go in the closet I share with Colby and I put this on.

I sit down on Colby's couch as he walks in the room and I act like I'm doing homework

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I sit down on Colby's couch as he walks in the room and I act like I'm doing homework. "Hey katie" he said "hey" I said as I got back to doing my work. And hour has passed and Colby went to bed along as everyone else. I decided to text Jessica and tell her I'm ready and she came and picked me up. "Let's party!" We both yelled as we left. We got to her house and I saw clay and Tony and went up to them and grabbed a drink. "Damn! Katie over here getting it on already" Tony said "hell yeah she is" Jessica said "let's dance!" Me and her yelled as we made it around the house dancing and rubbing our bodies against each other. "Wanna get a room!?!" Jessica yelled at me over the music "yes!" Me and her being the drunk ass bitches we are went to her room and did some things. "He-" she cuted me off and kissed me. I kissed back "mmhm fuck" I said as she slid her hand down my underwear. She takes her shirt off and I take mine off and she tackles me with kisses. I take our bras off  and she takes our shorts off and and we go at it at each other. She got down and licked and Sucked me down the And I did the same for her after. After we both cummed we laid in bed just in was good" Jessica said "it was too" we looked at each other and she kissed me and I kissed back. "Let's go back out there before they think we killed our selfs" I said as we both laughed and left. We made our way around the house into the kitchen and we both sat down. She was on one side of Alex and I was on the other side of Alex. They had a blunt going around a took a hit off of it. "Yes katie!" Alex yelled. Another hour has passed and it's midnight, the party still being lit as it was. Me and Jessica started to Dance and rub our bodies on each other and then on other guys and girls. Then I found on Pacific guy and started to Dance agianst. I felt his hands grab my waist that's stopped me from dancing. "What the hell dude" I turn around and it was Colby "shit" I mumbled "yea shit let's go" he said and I pulled out from his grip. Jessica came up and wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my neck "who's this hunk of hot stuff" she said "my um I don't know he's Corey's friend. He's on of the roomies there at the house" i said "he's hot but looks like a 17 year old" she said. I laughed "yea ok" I said she handed me the blunt and I hit it and Colby took it from me "Katie what the hell are you doing your coming home" Colby said "ugh do I have to" I said as he grabbed me "I don't think she wants to go with you buddie" Bryce said walking up to me "fuck off Bryce" I said as Colby looked pissed off "ya know what I'll leave see you tomorrow Jessica. Tell clay and Tony I went home" I said as we left. "Does Corey know" I said while I stumbled down to his car "no he doesn't, your lucky I came out and found you before he did" he handed me a water and some eye drops. "Sorry" I said looking out the window "Don't be your just being a dumb teenager, doing what teenagers do" he said. The rest of the ride home was silent. When we got home I went straight to our room and I crashed right onto the couch. I opened my bag that had my clothes in it and grabbed a crop top and a pair of black leggings and told Colby to turn around and he did. I got changed and sat back down and told him he was fine now. "how the hell did you find me anyways?" I asked. "Well your location was on" he said as I face palmed myself.

Colby's pov

I look at her side and I see a line of hickeys and a few scratches. Damn she must be feisty. "What are you staring at?" She asked catching my attention "oh um your side" I point at it and she grabs a hoodie and puts it on. I don't know why but she turns me on and I can't seem to understand why. She gets up and sits next to me "I'm sorry for what I did at the party to you" she apologized "why would you just go and do that. Bryce was there he was staring you down and everything" I said as she agreed "sometimes you have to tease someone for them to find someone else to mess with. Plus I don't date. I don't think I even want a relationship with anyone as in a romantic was" she said. I don't know why but that hurt. She placed her hand on my thigh "I'm serious I'm sorry but I'ma go to sleep before I regret what I'ma do later on" she said with a wink and a grin then stood back up and went to the couch and laid down and fell asleep.

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