tape 1 side B

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I woke up the next day with a bad head ache. I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. "You ok?" Sam said in the doorway "yeah I'm fine" I said. "Hangover?" He said as he handed me some Advil "what?" "Sorry katie I saw Colby drag you inside last night" He said "ok I get it now let me get changed" he closed the door and I changed into this.

I walk out and grab my bag and clay is calling me so I sit down on Colby's couch and answer clay. "Katie I'm freaking out I started to listen to the second side and you need to just listen to it" he said in a panic "fine I will later today I'm skipping first for the hangover I have" I said "ok just please be here for lunch" he said as I hung up. "Skipping first now too?" Colby said. I roll my eyes "what are you trying to get at mister" I say as I get up to his face "what do you think I'm trying to get at? Oh that I'm trying to get into some 16 year olds pants or something talking to you?" He said. I swear to God I wanted to slap him "no you perv" I said them I crashed my agianst his and he didn't pull away "yea your a perv if you didn't pull back" I said as I grabbed my bag and left for school.

Katie_danish- boys are like toys to me untill I find a girl than I'm all yours baby
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I get to second period and didn't get called up. Strange. I take my phone out and see my phone getting blown up with dms on Instagram talking about Corey and Colby liking my stuff. "Katie! Stop looking at your social media life and look at the book" the teacher said as I put my phone away. When class ends clay pulls me aside saying the tape this time was about Jessica. "What do you mean Jessica?" I said confused "she said in the beginning that it was about her I'm telling you " he said as I nodded "come over to my house tonight. Your staying over" I said "I can't what are my late going to say when they find out im not home" he said "you'll tell them that your studying at my place and we both fell asleep the both know I'm gay anyways" I said as he nodded "ok now I have lunch and you have a class see you later" i said as I walked away. "Hey girl your blowing up" Justin said while walking past me "what?" I ignored him and then there were people starting to stare at me all around. It's the end of the day and clay came home with me. "Ok so I share a room with Colby till this weekend ok so when we listen to the tape we'll tell him it's for history ok" I said "God damn Katie" he said then laughed. We walk into my room and Colby's pacing back and forth "calm down hot stuff" I said as clay walked into the room "oh hey clay" Colby said as he walked out of the room. "He's mad at me but it's ok I don't care" I said as we sit down "am I ready to listen to this clay" I said with a worried tone in my voice. "Katie let's just listen to it and get it over with. It's what she would have wanted anyways" he said as he handed me a ear bud. We listened to it and I cried. I cried the whole time. Clay hugged me the whole time too. "It's the past though right none of this matters now" he just hugged me and didn't say anything "why does she have to do this. What if someone found these all of us would be dead" I said "no one will know about these I promise only the ones who are supposed to know" he said as I nodded and started to fall asleep in clays arms.

"Just because he's holding you to feel better doesn't mean he's not guilty either Katie" the voice in my head said agian "who are you and what do you want?" I questioned "oh stop being so petty, we all know who I am so why are you questioning me?" That's it I'm lose it "go ahead lose it I can hear your thoughts I hear everything like that time you kissed that Colby boy. Oh that  poor Colby you basically just ruined his life if anyone finds out" "stop! Stop doing this to me why me! Why not do this to Justin or Bryce! Why not them!"

"Katie" I felt Colby's touch on my skin and I slapped him and hugged clay. "Whoa Katie what's wrong?" He asked "the dreams, there coming back and this time there worse and I know your having them too I can tell" I say as I look at clay still. "Yeah I'm getting them too agian" he said quietly. "What time is it?" I asked. "8 in the morning" Colby said. "Crap" I got up and grabbed my clothes and dragged clay into the bathroom with me. I changed into this while I was talking to clay.

"I'm beating Bryce's ass up today" I said struggling to clip my bra and clay helped "Katie he will snap you in have" clay said "so let him all I'm doing is walking up to him in class and punching him in the damn face. Then I'ma act like I'ma apologize after school but really I'ma go to his car and do a few lines with him in the car. Once he's fucked up I'll punch him agian leaving some marks so he'll know not to mess with me" i said as I finished getting dressed. "Just have Tony around Bryce's car this afternoon just for safe keepings then" I said "sure but are you sure this is a good idea?" "Clay I'll be fine maybe I just need to take my anger out on something. Especially after Hanna passing" I said as tears start to form in my eyes and he hugged me.

Colbys pov
She's so dumb sometimes these walls are so thin. But why would she do that today. I can't just go to her school and stop her and where the hell is Corey in the middle of all this he's the dad and I guess I'm just a pervert to her because I didn't pull back when she kissed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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