present day

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"SHES ONLY 16 MAN WHAT THE HELL" I wake up in Colby's bed and hear Corey screaming. I walk down stairs and Corey's eyes shift right to me. "What the hell happened last night and be honest because I regret letting you sleep in his room now" he demanded. "Well I originally fell asleep on the couch in the living room but then I had a dream. A bad one at that. Colby woke me up for two reasons. One I was yelling in my sleep and. And two, I wasn't supposed to sleep downstairs anyways. Me and Colby argued about me getting the couch and I should sleep on the bed instead. I ended up sleeping in the bed but the I started to cry in my sleep agian. He woke me back up and stayed with me to comfort me and he did and I fell back to sleep for the rest of the night. In Colby's arms for comfort" I say "what was the dream about to make you do that?" Corey asked. "I'd rather not talk about that" I say shyly "it's ok" Corey said. My phone started to go off and it was clay. "Hey clay" I say walking out of the kitchen "hey I know this is fast but do you like wanna listen to a tape tonight?" He asked and my heart sunk. "Yea sure" I say them hang up. "Hey um clay wants to know if I can go over to his house tonight to pick up a few things that the orphanage wouldn't let me have. Like my makeup and stuff. Stupid girl items" I say "sure be home by eleven though" Corey said. "Ok um can I get your keys to your car though. I need to get my clothes for school" I ask "yea the purple key chain hanging up" he says and I go outside to get my clothes. I get my clothes and this is what I'm wearing.

I come out of the bathroom and I grab my bag and meet Corey in the kitchen

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I come out of the bathroom and I grab my bag and meet Corey in the kitchen. "Hey do you need a ride to school?" Corey asked. "No thanks, Tony was going to swing by and pick me up" I say as he nods. My phone goes off and it's a text from Tony saying he was here. "Well that's him right now bye" I say and leave. "Damn Mamacita your looking hot as hell today" Tony says as I get in "thanks Tony" I laughed. "So the tapes" I say "what about them" he says "oh um what's so special about them and why did Justin come up to me and clay in the hallway yesterday saying "You're not that innocent, danish and Jensen. I don't give a shit what she says" does it have to do with the tapes?" I asked "that's for you and clay to find out" he said as we pull into the school. I get to class and Bryce walked up to me grabbing my ass while I was about to sit down. "What the man!" I yelled causing the whole class to look at us "don't worry everyone I scared her on accident" Bryce said lying. "What the hell do you want?" I demanded "I wanna see how innocent you are as she says. You look to sexy to be that innocent" Bryce said Making me bitch slap him and running out of the class room into the girls bathroom crying. I fall agianst the wall crying not giving a damn what is happening to my face and I look up and see Jessica. "Katie what's wrong?" She asked "why don't you go asked Bryce what's wrong. He grabbed my ass and then slid his hand down my shirt" I said while I was sobbing up with tears. Jessica hugged me. "He's a jerk I'm sorry" she said. "We should have a girls night out you know" she suggested "sure just not Tonight me and clay have something to do" I said "I don't know why you two don't date" she said "well one reason is because he had feelings for Hanna in a way and he's trying to get over it, and two I'm gay. Nice try though" I said "yeah well how about this weekend maybe?" She said "sure I would love too. Maybe you could help me re-do the guest room that is office mine" I say "you finally got adopted!" She yelled a little bit "yea now shut up and don't make a big deal about it please" I said as she nodded "well I got to go back to class call me!" She said while leaving. I get up and clean my face off and walk out of the room to seeing the principal waiting for me. Great how's Corey going to act when he finds out.
~later that day~
"Why did you run out of class today" was the first thing I heard walking into the house. "It was nothing really" I said while walking upstairs and throwing my backpack on the couch in Colby's room "how was it nothing?" Corey asked following me up stairs "you wouldn't understand if You've been through what I have" I said "look I'm sorry it's just when I got the call I didn't know what to think ok" he said "yea don't go assuming then because I knew that's what you where about to do" I said and he left the room. Colby wasn't here yet so I watched TV and got a text from clay asking me to come over. I said yes and ill be there in a hour. I got up and got ready in Colby's room since he wasn't home. I took my shirt off leaving me in my bra and shorts, and I picked my hoodie up and Colby walked in "fuck sorry" he said closing the door fast. I got dressed really quick and told him he could come back in. This is what I wore

"Sorry you weren't home so I decided to change

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"Sorry you weren't home so I decided to change. Plus I won't be getting my own room untill this weekend and we're basically roomies for a bit now" i say "yea. Sorry for walking in I'm not used to anything like that, roommates" he said "your not used to roommates?" I say as I point around this whole place "well I meant in my own room at that" he said with a smile. "Mmhm ok" I said as I sit down on the couch. I decided to head downstairs and ask Corey if I could leave and he said yes. Then I had to go back to his room and ask if they had a skate board and he let me borrow his. I left the house and met up with clay and we're at his house and we sat on his bed and listened to it.

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