lA (Requested)

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Tristan's Pov
Me and Brad are currently  in LA writing some songs for the band's next album. We have been dating for about 2 and a half years and everyone knows about us. We do get some hate here and there but it's nothing we can't handle. We are at the studio that we have been using for the past week. I sorting out some songs on the Mac book and as I look over to Brad and see him later on the sofa clutching his stomach and he seems to be in pain. I go over towards him and kneel down next to him. I start running my hands through his soft curls.

"You okay bear ?" I ask

"My stomach really hurts." Says Brad and I can tell he's in pain

"Have you had anything to eat since breakfast?" I ask

"No it's makes it hurt more." Says Brad while scrunching his face up in pain.

"How long have you had the pain? " I ask

"Since this morning and it's not going away." Replies Brad

"Have you had any Nurofen ? " I say

" Yeah but it's not made it any better." Says Brad

"Aww my poor Brad, how about we call it a day and go for a walk. I've heard LA is very beautiful at night and maybe that will help taking the pain away." I suggest 

"Yeah okay." Says Brad before getting up and wrapping his arms around me. So I can give him a hug.

1 hour later me and Brad have been walking around LA and we are currently walking down the beach.

We are holding hands and Brad keeps squeezing it quite tightly. Which is making me quite worried. I stop walking and look at him. I lift his chin up so I can press a kiss on his forehead.

"Do you still feel ill ?" I ask him

"Hmmm" replies Brad in pain

" How about we get a takeaway and go back to the apartment and have some cuddles." I suggest.

Brad then smiles so that's what we are going to do. I just hope that his pain doesn't get any worse.

1 hour later me and Brad are on the balcony of the apartment watching the sunset. I'm laid on one of the sun loungers that we have and Brad is laid inbetween legs. I keeping running my fingers through his hair while he's still clutching his stomach in pain.

"Are you sure you don't want any of the Chinese that we got bear ?" I ask him

He then quickly shakes his head.

"How about you have some Nurofen and before you say no. Please just give it a go. You never it might work." I ask him hoping he will change his mind

"No" replies Brad getting frustrated

"Please for me." I say giving him my puppy eyes.

"Okay only because you want me to." Brad replies

20 minutes later me and Brad are cuddled up in bed watching Friends. Brad has his head later on my chest and I have my arm wrapped proactively around him.

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